Friends in Low Places (OPEN)

Jul 12, 2010 21:53

Who: Billy and YOU
When: Monday evening
Where: Club24
Summary: Billy chills after work with a couple beers and whoever decides to join him. Sometimes you wanna go where everybody like, two people know your naaaame...
Warnings: Liquor and your typical Marine-issue colorful linguistics.

Rebecca was probably right. This city was a dump but there wasn't any harm in trying to get social.

Well. A little social, anyway. Billy was still quiet and sitting at the bar by himself, halfway into his second beer. He couldn't deny it was kind of nice being in a place with a lot of people in it for once, even moreso when those people were all over age 13.

To be honest, tonight this place was a little more cosmopolitan and a little less redneck than Billy's usual haunts, but that was all the luck of the draw, he supposed.

He glanced over at the person sitting next to him and briefly considered making small talk, but decided against it. Jesus. When did he turn into such an introvert, anyway? Aside from the obvious.

Screw it. "Nice night," he said.

†: brooke, billy coen, rochelle

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