Who: Severus Snape, Temari and ...? (All those he contacted yesterday: Sora, Near, Shiroe, Souji, Midna, Temari, Samus, Daedalus, Nara, if I missed anyone I'm sorry! anyways those folks are welcome to join. anyone else... well, PM/AIM me and we'll talk!)
Where: Snape's 'borrowed' apartment building in the 10th sector.
When: July 08, sometime after 2pm
What: Snape meets face to face with a bunch of people who want to go swimming.
Warnings: Snape is kind of a jerk. TBA if there's anything else.
Note: There's a description of what will happen to your character before, but I'd like to assume that the log starts off once everyone's arrived so yeah. ALSO if your character chickened out, then Snape just left them alone or wiped their memory or something like that.
ALSO ALSO: because I'm not so good at setting this shit up, Snape's got a little comment down in there for Q&A Or whatever. Or just... I have no idea. I should have thought this through better.
Severus stood just out of sight, holding very still as he watched the intersection. It was not a very busy intersection at all, and that was why he had chosen it. Today, there was no more foot traffic than a single homeless man, muttering to himself as he pushed a trolley full of his belongings down the street. Snape watched him cautiously, in case he was one of the people who had contacted him. But the man did not stop at the intersection, just rolled on through after whooping and throwing his arms in the air.
And then, there was nothing for quite a while. Severus’s patience paid off though, and someone came to the intersection, standing there although the light changed colours. Once he was sure, Severus moved away from his hiding place, walking into plain view of the waiting person. He nodded at them.
“If you are here to meet someone, then I am that person. Follow me, and we shall meet with the others.”
At that, he turned around to lead the way to a rather run down neighbourhood. The buildings were falling apart and the entire place seemed to reek of decay. Severus stopped on the sidewalk, then reached into the pocket of his trousers and withdrew a small piece of paper, which he held out to the newcomer. Written on it in small, spidery handwriting was an address. As soon as the address was read, a 10 story apartment building spring forth from between a boarded-up house and the burned down husk of a convenience store.
“Go in.” Snape took back the scrap of paper, tucking it into his pocket again. He opened the door, waiting for his ‘guest’ to step into the lobby of the building. They would find it sparsely furnished, chairs set in a semi-circle around a card table with some papers on it. The elevators did not work, and the door to the stairwell was locked.
Severus did not enter with them, instead going back to the intersection so that he could gather the rest after ‘assuring’ the person he had just lead to his apartment building with: “I will be back shortly.” The door was unlocked, so that if the person wished to, they could leave. Although, if they did, the small deer statue might suddenly spring to life to follow them so that Severus would have a record of exactly who had left and when.