Exploration time

Jun 06, 2010 00:55

Who: Liquid, Otacon, anyone who wants to bump into Liquid or just do their own thing.
When: June 5th, around midday
Where:  A random street in Sector 4
Summary: Liquid's apathy fades long enough for him to decide to bloody well explore.
Warnings: None so far!

It had taken a few days for him to actually wonder what this place had to offer. He had, of ( Read more... )

hal emmerich, liquid snake, *open log

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otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 00:06:17 UTC
Otacon hadn't gone out very much; the city was dangerous, especially at night. But really, he couldn't help but explore. Just a little. After all, how could he resist looking around? Maybe he'd go to the hospital and check on Snake--he was worried about his friend, after all.

When he saw those small stones fall to the ground, Otacon paused and glanced around; he noticed Liquid on the roof, but didn't say anything. He was still a bit frightened of the soldier, no matter how he tried to hide it.


1/2 ysobritish June 6 2010, 00:08:22 UTC
Liquid, on the other hand, took just a moment to notice the engineer. A slight smirk crossed his lips and he flipped easily from the roof-


2/2 ysobritish June 6 2010, 00:11:22 UTC
-to land perfectly in front of him.

"Wandering around on your own, Emmerich?" he asked. There was relief in him at the sight of someone he knew, someone familiar, even if it was Emmerich. Emmerich, who would mutter something about Japanese anime while trying to fix malfunctions in REX's programming, Emmerich, who worked with Brother. Emmerich, who tried to get him to stop fighting even as Liquid knew that would never happen.

"It isn't exactly safe for a civilian. I thought Brother had more sense than that," he mused. There was an innocent note to his voice, the usual sarcasm hidden. It was more amusing to see the reaction to the clearly suspicious change in attitude.


otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 00:14:35 UTC
He jumped back at that, stammering uncontrollably as he fumbled for actual words.


Oh great. Liquid was either going to snap his spine, shoot him, or mock him and then do the other two.

"I'm not...I kn-know what I'm doing." Sort of.


ysobritish June 6 2010, 00:20:19 UTC
The shirtless man simply rose to his feet, resting a hand on his hip as he surveyed him. Emmerich's reaction was almost comical. It at least made up for a little of this nonsense. He circled the man almost predatorially, looking him over.

"So afraid! Do I truly frighten you so much, Emmerich?" he wondered with a cold smirk. He knew the answer, of course.


otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 00:25:33 UTC
Otacon's body went rigid, standing ramrod straight as Liquid walked around him.

"I'm n-not afraid of you." he replied, determination flashing in his eyes. Whether Otacon liked him or not, he was still sort of under the protection of Liquid's father. He just had to not mention that little fact whatsoever and he'd be perfectly fine.


ysobritish June 6 2010, 00:29:21 UTC
He held his hands out, palms to the sky to show he was unarmed.

"Then why are you stammering, Emmerich? Why are you so tense? I told you. You are in no danger from me... so long as you do not plan to raise arms against me."

Liquid made the slight speech almost casually, watching the man's reactions curiously. If he had known about that connection he might have reacted differently, but thankfully for the engineer he did not.


otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 00:35:26 UTC
"...I won't fight you. And if I can, I'll stop you and Snake from killing each other."

The determined expression didn't change--if anything, it grew more serious.


ysobritish June 6 2010, 00:37:52 UTC
A dark laugh bubbled up out of nowhere at that. "Really, Emmerich... do you truly believe that to be possible? Brother and I have a rather tempestuous relationship at best. If either backs down, the other will kill him."

The words were matter-of-fact and entirely truthful - or at least, he believed them to be.


otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 00:49:35 UTC
"I don't want anyone to fight needlessly. And that's exactly what you two were doing on Shadow Moses."

His tone was serious, maybe even a little defiant.


ysobritish June 6 2010, 00:54:31 UTC
"Needlessly?" he wondered aloud, looking curious. "He was trying to stop me. Did you think I'd just run to my death for the sake of your precious peace?"

The note of irritation in his voice was quite clear, but he offered him a slight smirk anyway. At least the bandages over his body were already gone. The wounds had healed surprisingly fast. Not strangely so, not really, but they were already reduced to the state whether they didn't need bandaging. There were simply deep red marks over his back, leg and arm. It would have been humiliating to have to explain those to the man. As it was, as long as he didn't turn his back to him, he would not have to.


otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 01:00:54 UTC
"No--but did you really think c-creating Outer Heaven was a good idea?"

It never made sense to Otacon--why create a nation of soldiers? Warfare wasn't exactly hard to find, after all. Why would anyone want to extend that to last forever?


ysobritish June 6 2010, 04:15:50 UTC
"Of course it was," Liquid sighed.

"It was not simply about war. It was about us. About not being used any more, about being free," he explained tiredly. "Someone like you would never understand. Soldiers are nothing but tools to be used and discarded at will. Outer Heaven would give us purpose, give us freedom. Sacrifices had to be made."


otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 04:27:40 UTC
"You didn't have to fight forever--! Liquid, don't you get it? Freedom isn't about some greater purpose, it's the ability to choose how you want to live your own life! You could have been so much better than some crazed terrorist, don't you even realize that?!"

...whoops. That was far more than Otacon planned on saying.


ysobritish June 6 2010, 04:46:20 UTC
Liquid's expression darkened and he lunged forward without a thought, grabbing Otacon by the collar and pushing him up against the nearest wall. He leaned in close, whispering coldly to him.

"I may be a terrorist, and I will be the first to admit I am far from the sanest man on the planet, but sometimes I feel as if this entire world can go to bloody hell. People like you understand nothing. You preach and you preach while you're just living a lie. Brother is the same as I am. He wants to fight. But just because I'm a terrorist doesn't make me lesser than you!"

Releasing him, he stepped back, cold rage burning inside of him. It would be so easy to just take it out on the man, but he didn't. Too easy, too pitifully pathetic. It wasn't worth the effort. Lunging forward suddenly, his fist slammed out- embedding in the wall a short distance away from Otacon. Without thinking he struck out at it repeatedly, over and over, until his gloved hand was torn and bloody despite the minimal protection of the glove.


otaku_mk_ii June 6 2010, 04:53:42 UTC
He cried out in surprise as Liquid pinned him against the wall, trembling uncontrollably as the soldier spoke to him.

"B-but...I d-didn't mean it like that, I--"

Otacon flinched when Liquid's hand struck the wall, hands going to his head almost defensively. The scientist shut his eyes tightly, whimpering in fear while Liquid lashed out at the wall. He just wanted this to be over, to go home and forget any of this had ever happened.


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