A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you are fast asleep.

May 29, 2010 23:11

Who: der-hetzer and YOU!
When: Friday night
Where: In your dreams.
Summary: Schuldig decides to explore dream scapes a little.
Warnings: Possible creepiness, manipulation and so on.

Be careful of what you dream of. )

sander cohen, nagi naoe, schuldig, tifa lockheart, shijima kurookano, azula, †: agatsuma soubi, orochimaru

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heartdissonance May 30 2010, 07:21:52 UTC
Shijima dreams of infinity and omnipotence.

It's very real, where she stands. They aren't metaphors; infinity is spread out before her, high and deep and wide, disorienting. The air is ocean-colored, and everything is the air. Her feet stand solid, but there's nothing underneath her except 'everything.'

There are words, everywhere. Rivers of them. A sluggish rain. It's the only reason you can tell which way is up, unless they're lying to you. They're made from thick ink, but they're a part of that ocean air; extended fingers don't meet them. They're incomprehensible. Flickering too quickly to be properly read, or blurred too heavily by the limits of what the human mind can handle. Shijima can't really make it out, either. She doesn't want to.

She's dressed fully in white. A formal kimono; it's mostly simple, though its sleeves are longer than they should be. Her hair is longer, too - to her thighs, rather than her waist.

Far away, there is a woman. Petit, and also all in white. Her hair is yards longer than Shijima's. Her kimono, too. She adores the words. Her face can't well be seen, but the knowledge that she looks simply like an older Shijima is present. (Dream logic.)

From Shijima's side of eternity is tangible hatred. From the woman's, laughter. Shijima cannot, right now, bring herself to speak, for all the anger in her throat.

Rather than echoing, sound ripples. There isn't really any breath, in this place. Just the slithering of words and the rustling of white hair. It's a calm dream, if furious.


der_hetzer May 30 2010, 12:53:33 UTC
But a calm dream was boring. In the far distance, Shijima would see a stranger, his hair bright like the flames of a fire, walking towards the other woman. He held out a hand towards her. She turned, took it, and in that moment, all the calm was shattered with a loud sound like the breaking of glass, leaving behind only darkness.

"Why so angry?" Schuldig asked, this time from behind Shijima. His hand reached out to caress her hair, the gesture so gentle that he might have been a lover.


heartdissonance May 30 2010, 12:59:09 UTC
The act was less comprehensible than the words. Shijima watched with her fingers at her thighs and her eyes trying to piece everything together. She wanted to remember this sight.

"I hate her. She's a cruel thing." It was stated dully, with the slightest lisp of her tongue meeting too-sharp canines. What has happened here, to all of the wisdom of everything? That was what stood out in her mind.

Finally, her own stillness broke as she turned her head in order to eye Schuldig from over her shoulder. Both her yellow eyes and white hair were a sharp contrast against the now-dark backdrop. "You aren't God," she said clinically; "Coming into this place and changing it with a touch would imply that you are."


der_hetzer May 30 2010, 13:04:54 UTC
In this place, he was God. Not that he would ever used the term around a certain teammate of his. Schuldig had a plan, you see. And the long term one was to stay alive while watching the world burn.

"What makes you think I'm not?" He brought the ends of her hair to his lips, kissing the soft strands. How very different this girl was from their short exchange over the network.

"What do you wish for?"


heartdissonance May 30 2010, 13:09:33 UTC
She examined him, his lips at her hair, his own hair pigmented - not white, and so she frowned a little. "She is. More or less. No, not quite. Something close, though. I don't think that you're God." Her chin raised, maybe an act of defiance. "If you were God, I would not be here."

A gathering of kimono sleeves, and she turned to face him, looking up at him fully. The length of her hair made sure that her movements didn't have it leave his hand. Her disposition, here, matched her heart. Still angry, but tired, too. Melancholy and calm-faced. "My wish isn't something that can be granted, so don't taunt me."


der_hetzer May 30 2010, 13:14:41 UTC
Schuldig only smirked and took a half step to turn in the direction of where the woman was. The darkness was suddenly flushed with a dark crimson. Spilled over the floor was blood, gore, and various body parts. A head, half bashed in but still recognizable, looked up at them. If this was Shijima's God, she was rather fragile.

The telepath kicked at the head carelessly.

"Perhaps you don't deserve to have your wish granted." He tilted his head back to face her again. "Haven't you heard? God only helps those who help themselves."


heartdissonance May 30 2010, 13:17:38 UTC
Shijima's frown deepened. She knelt, sullying the cloth over her legs, and lifted the head in her little hands. It dripped unpleasantly.

After a few long moments of inspection, she looked up at Schuldig dispassionately. "If she were to die, everything would be unmade. I'm not sure that this stupid woman has a single ounce of blood in her."

The head was set down, and Shijima licked her fingertips.

"If you are God, I'm angry with you."


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