Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions.

Jan 06, 2012 12:54

Who: tiny_schemer and remembered
When: Backdated - 12/29
Where: The House of Awesome, probably the kitchen (it's better than a lab, there's cookies)
Summary: Czeslaw offered to help Amy transfer her home-made sonic screwdriver to a NV casing. The truth is, he only did it because he wants a look at the sonic screwdriver. ;;
Warnings: I'll say PG-13 just because Amy's red hair might trigger Czeslaw's traumatic phobia of red hair a bit. ;;

[After a little schedule shifting, Czeslaw is finally making ready to receive a certain red-haired guest. He tidies up in the kitchen, deciding there would be a much better, safer place than Erik's lab (not his to share, requiring step stools always, potentially unsafe material) or his own, child-sized lab (suspicious to have everything permanently at an 11-year-old's level, potentially unsafe material), in spite of the temptation for his new and shiny toys. He puts coffee on, sprinkling in a little salt in, and sits on a chair, quietly reading until his NV buzzes with a message from Amy that she's arrived.

He trots out to the door to meet her. A bright and smiling boy with ever-so-neatly combed hair. He's really so ordinary looking, even in his little vest, short pants and bow tie. Just an ordinary kid from the thirties, never mind the delicate technological work he's offered to do.]

czeslaw meyer, amy pond

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