Who: Helen Magnus, Pino & Nana
When: December 29, early afternoon
Where: Raul Creed's apartment
Summary: Cupcake baking is a go!
Warnings: Immense cuteness
Helen had actually been looking forward to this, a little more than she'd expected, although that didn't stop her from feeling nervous all the same. She'd mentioned the idea to Raul a few days previously and had asked the girls themselves that same day. It had been a very long time since she'd actually baked anything, although that didn't meant she'd forgotten. And besides, she'd certainly have a little help with that.
She'd brought everything that they needed (actual ingredients, also - she didn't bake by mix) along with the icing sugar and colourant. That part she was wondering how much may be a disaster but she also would fix that (and any mess) before Raul could see. Mess she was going to bother less on. The point of the day? Fun, getting to know both Pino and Nana and hopefully ending up with some very lovely cupcakes. All that was left to do now was to start it, after making certain that their hands were clean.