Wednesday, December 14th, The Midnight Channel

Dec 14, 2011 00:50

Who: The Port's Latest Shadow Televisions Stars! And Thousands of Home Viewers!
When: Midnight, Wednesday December 14th
Where: In front of your Television Sets or Streaming NV TV. (Digital Cable? You'll still get the analog effect.)
Summary: Full Plot Details Here
Warnings: Please Put 'em In the Subject Lines As Necessary, Kids?

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*event, kenzo tenma, *npc: city characters, *open log, franz d'epinay, souji seta

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in_starvation December 15 2011, 03:29:31 UTC
[ There's a room of black leather and dimmed lights, of thudding music and excited crowds. But they seem to be faint, as though far away ... or the room is supposed to be sound-proofed ( ... )


madeinoblivion December 15 2011, 04:55:45 UTC
Wow, Jessica. What a nice girl?

Color this boy a little glued to the TV. His heart might have even been racing a bit.

But when it's all over, it's ultimately 15 seconds of fame, and he turns glumly back to the slow night at a now-notorious neutral club, trying not to thinking too hard the whites of her teeth, or the promise of better, stronger immortality....because there's still a long, long night ahead of him.


if i'm doing this wrong, tell me! in_starvation December 15 2011, 21:00:34 UTC
Jessica has been working her shifts at Merlotte's. The death of Tifa disturbs her, even though she barely knows the woman. AGI might behind it.

Sometimes, she wonders if it might be better to side up with AGI and slowly worm her way to make Merlotte's out of their hit list. But Jessica is no secret agent, and she has no idea how to work that out. She's just a girl, not a politician. Eric might have some sway, but she really doubts that he'll do anything.

Such dour thoughts make Jessica to want to clubbing, to dance her stupid worries away. So she gonna throw the towel in for the night.


S'totes cool! [Action] madeinoblivion December 16 2011, 03:44:47 UTC
Joe didn't even realize she was on tonight, until she's already shed her waitress pockets and a bright curl of her hair catches his eye over the partly-empty bar.

He smiles, a little bit mystified- (did she tape that TV thing earlier, or what?) sitting back in the soundbooth to watch her cut loose. His attention is snagged, for awhile, wondering if she really is something dangerous and immortal. Someone who won't be taken down so easy.


[Action] in_starvation December 16 2011, 04:53:15 UTC
Jessica doesn't even know about the creepy-ass broadcasts, let alone the creepy video of her declaring her immortality in someone else's blood.

She pulls the pins back and let her hair down. As she grabs her purse, she spots that guy - Joe - looking at her and waves.


Re: [Action] madeinoblivion December 16 2011, 07:39:40 UTC
Oh wow. She doesn't even need that dress she had on in the video, to look that pretty.

He tugs off his own headphones, letting them hang around his neck as he waves her over, pulse still hammering, having never really settled down.

He changes the tempo to match it.

"Hey! Hey, so what's with you! You never told me they made you the Sanguinarian Society poster girl!"


in_starvation December 16 2011, 23:00:45 UTC
Jessica blinks at Joe. Her face crunches up in confusion.

"What do you mean? I have never even talked to people in The Sanguinarian Society."

Mostly because wow, they are so lame.


madeinoblivion December 17 2011, 02:35:23 UTC
"Y'know, the Vampire commercial?" He shrugs, waving his NV screen, which is now showing nothing but static, and making some odd noises. " Or is it for Northman's club? They just played it- I was gonna just watch the game replay from the stadium, but guess whatever was on got for midnight got canned, and-"

His grin is still impressed, looking her up and down "You never told us you were going to be famous."


in_starvation December 17 2011, 03:47:30 UTC
Jessica has a completely blank look on her face.

"What commercial? Eric never employed me."

She looks alarmed now. "What happened?"


madeinoblivion December 17 2011, 04:32:02 UTC
"You were on TV! As this- ...uh...slinky- suuhh-" it's hard to tell a girl she's 'sexy' to her face, Joe's mouth sort of gapes around a figureless word. He decides to settle on the other features. "...You were talking about living forever, and being stronger, and eating living things?"

Man. Now that he thought about it, that was a bit creepy.


in_starvation December 17 2011, 05:05:08 UTC
"Uh...." This is getting creepy. Jessica sort of looks to the side, trying to understand what is going on. "Are you sure it's not some look-alike? 'Cause I would think I'd remember going on T.V for something like that."


madeinoblivion December 17 2011, 08:29:10 UTC
"I don't think there's any kind of replay for it, sorry." He shrugs, looking a little sheepish (a bit disappointed at that- hey, he'd watch it again!)

"It looked just like you! You had this- Uh ... You better hope Sam didn't see it, 'cause you killed a Werewolf."


in_starvation December 19 2011, 04:51:04 UTC
It is not possible for Jessica to pale in shock, but her face shows it anyway.


Wait. "What's Sam got to do with werewolves?"


madeinoblivion December 19 2011, 09:03:05 UTC
"Oh-" Joe grins casually, shrugging as though it were the most matter-of-fact thing in the world "He can turn into a dog! That's his power- Didn't you know?"


i can't believe i forgot about this! so sorry about that. in_starvation December 26 2011, 05:56:35 UTC
Jessica's eyes could not get any wider. Her mouth slacks open in astonishment.


What the hell, why don't people just tell this shit jesus christ on a hotdog -


madeinoblivion December 26 2011, 21:03:02 UTC
"He told the network awhile ago." Joe shrugged. "I mean I sort of thought everybody knew it."

Her shock is a little bit confusing, though.

"But it's no big deal, I mean, here everyone's got some powers."


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