If you're lost you can look and you will find me.

Dec 10, 2011 15:30

Who: sittingtype and rudolphofvamps wait wrong show
When: hideously backdated, also at night.
Where: Watson's apartment.
Summary: Spike is coming to harass Watson. Also possibly take his clothes off??? It's not what you think maybe.
Warnings: Do I even have to.

[Spike quickened his pace in the brisk December air. Christmas time had never held many fond memories for him, except maybe when he was with Drusilla. But burning down villages didn't warm his heart like it used to. Funny how having a conscience did that. He shoved his hands in his pockets and wondered how it was possible to be actively cold without circulation. Could be a question to ask the Doc, he figured.

And boy was it ever surreal meeting the Dr. Watson. Judging on his knowledge of mobile phones and the political state of the world, he wasn't the one Spike had read of as a boy. But he was still a version and that was kind of exciting. In a way that he would never express because even that would be too gay for Spike. Unless he were drunk.

So this is him showing up with a slight shiver at the other man's doorstep. Reluctantly he pulls his hand out of the warmth of his pocket and pounds on the door.] Oi, Johnny. Open up. Freezing my knickers off out here.

spike, john watson

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