[Witch-Hunting Time!] March of the Toy Soldiers

Dec 05, 2011 01:04

Who: Ahiru Princess Tutu, Riku's Replica Joe Fieldman, Kyubey & an NPC'd Enemy!
When: December 5th, Afternoon
Where: A Sector 4 Ballet Studio --> Beyond a Witch's Barrier
Summary: Team Puella Magi is on the hunt for witches! What they find is a witch with a curiously themed toyroom of a barrier, and an army of mice. Looks like someone wished to dance the lead in her ballet school's holiday production! Looks like they're about to be wiped off the map by a replica and a duck.
Warnings: Some gratuitously lampshaded Nutcracker references. Violence. Entropy. Fatty Aliens.

He'd promised to help her do this weeks ago.

But things get in the way- (Holidays, Work, Sports, Metal Concerts, Aslan dying...) and so Joe hadn't called on Ahiru, not until that one day after the concert, when he was thinking about the words of that Dethklok music, and his own darkness, and if he'd been good enough to expect Christmas presents this year.

That darkening Soul Gem in his pocket once again caught his attention. And eerily, just like that, Kyubey had appeared with good news of a new witch in the neighborhood, with energy radiating from a dance school, which happened to be not too far off.

So that's how they ended up here, the three of them, Soul Gems glowing a bit when they neared the building's stairwell. Joe chattered along the way, wondering aloud if hunting down witches would count as being a Vigilante.

"...but I figure it can't count, right? I mean- since the grief-seed witches are monsters really, not people. "

replica riku, kyubey, ahiru, *npc: city characters

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