We'll make things right

Dec 03, 2011 21:41

Who: Roxas and ???
When: The nights of Saturday, December 3 (following the heavy metal concert) and Sunday the 4th
Where: Sectors 2, 3, 4, 8, 9
Summary: With the effort of rounding up the Dusks having fallen mostly to him, Roxas takes the time to do some aggressive searching after dark. Who knows who he might encounter?

We'll feel it all tonight )

marluxia, roxas, luxord

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kingofrooks December 4 2011, 07:27:54 UTC
[ Evasive answers generally set off alarm bells in his head, but Batman would have been out in the Darkness to look for these white-jumpsuited things anyway. They behave like no monster that he had ever seen, and at the same time similar to the 'Heartless' that a man named Xigbar had mentioned to him once before.

'Nobody'. That's a familiar enough name, though he can't exactly find a good definition of it. He hears of hints, little bits of news here and there, but nothing particularly useful, which is frankly a pity, because if he knows, he would be far less careful with fighting these things. At the moment, he has to treat them as humans, even though they seem entirely faceless and voiceless.

And they come in hordes. Now that's familiar. Batman grimaces slightly, ducking down and slamming the heel of his palm against another one of those things while swinging around and catching another at the lower part of their head with his foot.

Out of the corner of his eye, he can see a black hooded figure. Small, built like a teenager.

Perhaps as Batman he might be able to get the answers that Matches Malone could not. ]


pullsheavendown December 4 2011, 15:37:30 UTC
[It must be the darkness that makes the Dusks bolder, freer to act. They aren't bound by it, but in their reported daylight appearances, it's been one, two, three at a time. Almost like reconnaissance squads. Or maybe it's just more comfortable for them this way. A city of darkness, practically empty of people...sort of like back home.

It's been easier tonight; in a large city, he's still been able to find more of them, and send them back to Xino E. Mao's headquarters. And the night's not over. After fighting another Fanged Heap with no real difficulty, the sounds of a scuffle lead him to his next group, only to come up short, blinking in surprise at what he sees: a masked man fighting Dusks. Winning, too, it looks like, but they're not finished.]


[The words is directed at the Dusks, though that's not immediately obvious. He stretches out a hand as if to command them, and it should be mostly successful, though the ones engaged in active combat are unlikely to halt in an instant. They still have a will of their own, even if if he can enforce his upon them.]


kingofrooks December 5 2011, 08:06:54 UTC
[ There are still a few that are fighting against him, though the flood seems to have stemmed the moment that the hooded figure had spoken that word. He is batting a couple more away before he stills suddenly, waiting- and exhales silently when he isn't attacked.

He grabs one of the things easily enough, his fingers digging against the shoulder. It doesn't move, seemingly immobilized by that one comment, and Batman turns his head, white lenses gleaming under the dim street lights. ]

Who are you?


pullsheavendown December 6 2011, 00:17:13 UTC
[For a moment, Roxas isn't sure whether the comment is directed at him or the Dusk, which is doing nothing-for now-but baring its zippered 'teeth' at the deep-voiced in man. Roxas takes half a step back, not at all sure that he wants to give his name, but he can't just walk away from this.]

I'm no one.


kingofrooks December 6 2011, 03:41:39 UTC
[ Evasion. The voice is familiar, as well. Different, though he isn't entirely sure at the moment if it is because of the shift from the NV to being face to face, or the boy is trying to hide his voice.

He folds his arms. ]

If you use an answer too much, it loses its effectiveness.


pullsheavendown December 6 2011, 04:05:41 UTC
[Roxas hesitates, then ignores the stranger-for the moment-and calls forth a corridor off to the side, about halfway between the two of them. The swirling, wispy darkness fits in just fine with the scenery.]


[He jerks his head at the Dusks, his words meant for them.]


kingofrooks December 6 2011, 05:36:37 UTC
[ He knows that the words are not meant for him, especially when the things start to jump towards the corridor. But Bruce moves, nonetheless, making as if to jump into the corridor to find out what exactly is in it- and knowing that there is a very good chance that he would be stopped. ]


pullsheavendown December 6 2011, 15:45:17 UTC
You don't want to do that.

[He takes another quick step, forward this time. Clearly, this man can take care of himself, but only a rare few aren't vulnerable to the darkness. There's also the fact that he'd be stepping through to give Xigbar and co. an extra headache, but Roxas doesn't see that as a bad thing, per se.

But the darkness can eat away at a heart, and he doesn't want to see anyone else lose theirs.]

It's not safe.


kingofrooks December 7 2011, 02:31:12 UTC
[ There it is: the opening that he was waiting for, and the confirmation that this man doesn't mean harm. Not towards him, anyhow- and Batman stops just before the gate, but does not turn back. ]

I need a better reason than that from a man who refuses to tell me his name.


pullsheavendown December 7 2011, 02:35:45 UTC
[It's the first time anyone's ever called him a man before, but Roxas doesn't have time to dwell on that.]

It'll lead you straight into the darkness. Worse than what's out here right now. Your heart isn't protected.


kingofrooks December 7 2011, 05:22:15 UTC
[ Now he turns his head, enough to let Roxas see the disbelieving crook to his lips. ]

How is this darkness you mentioned different from the Darkness we are both standing on?


pullsheavendown December 7 2011, 14:27:13 UTC
Well, spend enough time in it...and you could end up like them.

[Although somehow, he gets the sense that this man's heart would be stronger enough to let him keep his form.]


kingofrooks December 7 2011, 14:53:06 UTC
[ He turns around suddenly, moving in an instant fast enough to loom right in front of the hooded figure. ]

Then tell me what they are.


pullsheavendown December 7 2011, 15:02:11 UTC
[The looming is highly effective; Roxas has to crane his neck to look up at him, inadvertently revealing some of his face beneath the hood as well. But he doesn't back down.]

They're called Dusks.


kingofrooks December 8 2011, 05:45:40 UTC
[ Suspicions confirmed! Batman gains 200 points in 'guessing someone else's identity'! ]

A name which means nothing to me.


pullsheavendown December 8 2011, 15:19:29 UTC
[Only 150. Roxas isn't good enough at stealth to earn points for degree of difficulty.]

It doesn't have to. But it doesn't matter; I'm finding them and sending them back where they came from.


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