got-it-memorizd &
ninthserenadeWhen: Nov. 16, evening
Where: The Apartment of Bros (908 of Sector 4)
Summary: There's something rotten in the state of Denma--er, Axel. It's time for a spleen-to-spleen chat. (Set shortly after
Warnings: None, but will update if necessary.
Things had felt a little... 'off' with Axel lately. And by off, it was like he spent more time sulking around over something instead of acting like his normal goofy self. Sure, he and Axel still goofed around--he had no problem with that! It made things seem normal in a place that turned into Hell personified after the sun set. At first, Demyx had figured it was just a brief little phase after all the nightmares and then Halloween messing with people, but it has been starting to feel like something more than that. So after a brief mental fight with himself, the Nobody sent out a message to Axel, and after a brief texting session and punching out at Purgatory, he slipped his coat on and opened a corridor to the shared apartment in Sector 4.
"Yo, Axel. I'm home!"