in a dream, my father came to me

Nov 12, 2011 18:02

Who: dancing_pierrot & acemedium
When: Saturday 12th of November!
Summary: Franziska and Maya meet up for lunch to celebrate Maya's recovery! Unfortunately, things do not stay that simple for very long... (Thanks, Dad.)
Warnings: action tags & parental abandonment issues. will update this if there's anything that needs noting!

[Franziska von Karma is in a good mood this Saturday afternoon. Perhaps it's the fault of the weekend, or her recently new-found ability to relax on the weekends, something that hadn't been a possibility back when she had actively been working as a prosecuting attorney. These days, teaching instead of prosecuting, there's a reduction in pressure, the creation of new long-term goals and what feels like the lifting of the weight of the world or equivalent from her shoulders. She's not turning a blind-eye to the problems in the city, or hiding from the pursuit of justice. She's just being reasonable about what she can actually achieve, and that has made all the difference. Well, that's what she reminds herself, anyway.

Or perhaps a reason for her enjoyment of this particular day is the promise of pleasant company. A year ago, they were barely friends, depending on one's definition of the term, but today, some sixteen months after Franziska first arrived in Siren's Port, they are friends, and Franziska is meeting with Maya Fey for lunch.

Franziska didn't even have to be pestered into saying 'yes'.

Of course, the choice in restaurant (and honestly, 'restaurant' is rather pushing it) leaves a lot to be desired, but that's just it, isn't it? It's not about the food -- Franziska honestly doesn't care if she eats at all right now -- it's about the company.

She arrives at the place a little too early, but instead of heading out and walking around the block again as she may have done a year ago, she stands out the front of the establishment (there, there was a better term, precise in its ambiguity) to wait for Maya's arrival, not even caring if the other woman is late.

Well, okay, she would care a little, but waiting at all is almost a grandiose gesture on her part, which makes her realize, with startling clarity, that she actually does care a lot more than she once had.]

franziska von karma, maya fey

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