proxysearch and OPEN.
When: Sunday, November 6th.
Where: Skye Medical Center and then out in the city, more than likely.
Summary: Someone's not happy to be in the hospital and is attempting to slip out before her personal doctor finds a way to keep her there.
Warnings: Cursing...?
a revelation in the light of day )
Even healing, in whatever measure it may have been present, would have been touch-and-go and with the nature of her would-be injuries. But as she'd informed him at the Masquerade her body possessed "cells" which protected her, and helped her mend.
The idea was, of course, extremely odd to him, given his occupation and background. How might the medical community be of use in such situations if...one had the ability to heal one's own wounds? Perhaps there was a limitation to it.]
T-that's...For your physician to decide. I...heard what happened.
[He takes a step back from the IV, jerking his hand away almost as though she'd rather electrified him with her words. Of course he wasn't going to want to listen to that sort of demand, if he deemed her mental state was...hysterical.]
Damn. Last time her arms hurt like this, that bastard Red Hood had put a knife in her shoulder. And, of course, he was the one to do the damage this time. She'd need to figure out what happened with that.
She brushes her hair out of her face.]
Yeah, I'm sure it's up to them and not me.
[And Daedalus isn't here. Not a good sign. She looks up at him.]
Sit. You look paler than I probably am. How long have you been here?
[Waiting on her. Dammit.]
There's a stiffness in the way he looks over at her now, tensing instinctively when she made to move.]
Certainly you shouldn't move with the extent of wounds-Ah, if the attending is absent then...Please try not to move too much.
[He'd not comply immediately, seeking to pull up a chair in front of her bed.]
Since...you were admitted. Perhaps a little later than that, if memory serves.
[Fingers absently run through his hair.]
They wouldn't let me see you immediately, as you were in the intensive care unit.
[She pulls her arm over and examines it briefly before she unwinds part of the bandages. The skin is already pink and healed, off-color from her own. It'll be a few more hours at least until it's back to normal. It feels odd, tender, and she could swear it smells wrong. Must be the burn ointment they're using.
She wraps her arm back up.]
There was an explosion when I tried to take off the victim's helmet to identify the body. The helmet itself was rigged to explode...probably to protect his identity.
[She sighs and rubs at one of her eyes.]
...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone worry. This is the last thing I expected when we got the call.
[Exploding helmets. She's sick and tired of these people from Gotham and their ridiculous toys.]
A grimace, and he peers intensely at the formerly scorched limb and its new growth of flesh. Quite a progression of healing could not be achieved on its own, even with her abilities. Or so one might presume given the very idea was strange to him, and he'd never seen the, ah, capacity of such a power before. But to think that she was nearly recovered in a night's time after the extent of injury was quite remarkable.]
So I've heard. It was in the broadcasting.
[He reaches gently to comfort her, but instead of making contact in case he should accidentally hurt her, gently lays his hand on the sheet.]
You need not apologize for what was not your fault. I am grateful you're...
[Still alive.]
Here, now.
[She sounds annoyed, her voice taut. Daedalus is going to be calling her, then, and trying to figure out if she's all right. She'd been hoping that this could have just been something she could sweep under the rug. Fat chance of it happening now. Wonderful.
She sits up a little better, running a hand back through her hair. There was that concern and worry again. She frowns.
Eventually, though, her eyes travel to his hand and then to his face and she manages a very faint upturn of her lips. She reaches out and touches his shoulder.]
I didn't mean to worry you. Really. I'm sorry. I'm okay, honestly.
[She shrugs.]
I know that won't dissuade you from being concerned but...it's the truth. I'm really not in any pain.
Careful, ever careful. Non-assuming about physical contact. That was Doctor Seward. He didn't want to make the wrong move. So when she lets her hand fall upon him he blinks, but doesn't move back or pull away. He couldn't be too certain about what might be okay when she was in her current condition.
But she was actually making an effort to comfort him by bridging the gap. As a doctor she was going to make him look bad. The thought was enough to make him smile faintly, and he let his fingers traverse up to her wrist, resting lightly there almost to make certain she was still there. Still real.]
I'm quite glad for that. It is a blessing, indeed.
This...power of yours. It heals completely then?
[An honest sort of question from a man who didn't often invade another's privacy when he was aware the Powers given were sometimes an uncomfortable subject.]
Yeah, it's...some kind of blessing.
[Or a curse. She turns her hand over to expose her wrist to his fingers and she sets her other hand on the back of his.]
It takes a few days for everything to be back as it was, depending on the severity of the injury. Burns, deep cuts... They go away in twenty-four hours, but I'll be feeling it for a few more days at least.
[She rolls her shoulders back for a moment.]
I haven't tested the extents of it - and I don't plan to - but that's as much as I know.
I see. That is quite remarkable. But even so, please do take care, Miss Re-l.
[A soft sigh laces his lips as his shoulders lose some of their stiffness, the man almost relaxing now that he knew for certain that she was in fact alright, just like she was trying to reassure him.]
I should hope not..How long are they going to keep you here?
It's lucky for now, I'll say.
[She's glad the nurse has left. She lets herself relax a little more without the scrutiny of an official here and she glances around. She had checked for cameras earlier and found none that she could see.]
We'll see if it keeps being such a lucky thing in the future, hm?
[Re-l nudges at him gently to get him to try and sit. He's going to need the bed if he doesn't relax.]
For as long as I'll tolerate it. With any luck, I'll try to get myself out of here before noon. Daedalus can sign me out once he's looked me over. Or I can ask John Watson or Simon Tam, maybe.
I'd advise against entrusting yourself to luck, Miss Re-l. Unfortunately she's a very fickle mistress.
[Lady Luck, as it were. But he'll take this in stride and soon do as she wanted, though he mostly kept to the edge even still.
Given he no longer worked here he could not sign her out himself...]
Yes....Well, I did come here to make certain that that would be the case.
I'm sure there will be other visitors wanting to pay their respects...
[And given the time...Well, he really should've been getting back home. Or occupied one of the waiting rooms and slept somehow. But then he was accustomed to insomnia. Sort of came with the territory of his profession. Many sleepless nights, as it were.]
[She glances down at her arms.]
You go through enough burns and cuts, run into a homicidal maniac or two, get hurt a few more times...and you live, of course, while everyone else around you gets hurt and dies or disappears.
[She shakes her head.]
That's not luck. If I'd call it anything, it's sadism. I just don't know who's wishing it on me.
[Maybe it's just payment for her surviving so much. She glances over at him and tries to smile.]
"Pay their respects?" Now you really are acting like I'm dead.
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