OPEN - Halloween Party

Oct 31, 2011 15:23

Who: Open to All
When: 31st at 5:30 PM to 1st at 8:00 AM
Where: A large rented building in Sector 4.
Summary: Reim set up a Halloween Party as a small event. The costume warping will happen at this event as well, and there's a special section for it. There's games, food, and other things spooky. Come and enjoy!
Warnings: They will be updated as ( Read more... )

iroh, fai d. flourite, sabriel, sakura kinomoto, *open log, caster, haruhi suzumiya, reim lunettes, kurogane

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FOOD AREA silverlunettes October 31 2011, 20:26:22 UTC
Sweets, cider and other Halloween based food available. It's all free.

Also... liquor. There's that too.


Open reflectedstasis November 2 2011, 14:31:42 UTC
[It would be exceptionally rude to come to a party and not at least give the semblance of eating - which is why Fai has a plate of little snacks piled neatly together. All things that Sakura would like, of course, so that he could eventually pass the plate off to her with none the wiser.

For the moment, however, he's pouring a glass of single-malt whiskey on ice to deliver to one glowering ninja.]


tea_lover64 November 3 2011, 20:04:00 UTC
[Iroh decides to take an entirely different approach to the food equation. He enjoyed his food greatly, and he had been keeping up with his work outs so he was still in good fighting shape. His plate is therefore quite full of some of the richer foods, though nothing exceptionally sweet. He decided to have some of the cider, it was a interesting taste, they often changed depending on which apples were used. He notices a man there and decides to greet him, it was a party after all]

Ah, hello! Watching your intake are you?


reflectedstasis November 4 2011, 13:43:25 UTC
[Fai glances up, then offers a pleasant smile and a light laugh, the sound neither male not female. That was part of the fun with cross-dressing, after all. With the laugh, he shakes his head, long bangs falling over the eyepatch as he points a finger over to the little lady currently playing happily with a puppy.]

No, not really. This is mostly for Sakura-chan. I'm afraid I'm not much of an eater. I think it has something to do with cooking all day.

[He glances at the man's plate, then grins a bit more.]

I am, however, always glad to see people enjoying their food!


tea_lover64 November 4 2011, 23:05:00 UTC
[He nods, he had known how children could be, especially if there were more interesting things to do]

Ah, I assume you are her caretaker then? It must be nice to have your family around.

[He returns the grin]

Guilty as charged! Hahaha!


/fail! Sorry for the late~ reflectedstasis November 9 2011, 14:19:50 UTC
[Fai's smile doesn't falter or fade in the slightest at the mention of family.This smile is, after all, a mask he's worn for longer than even thing kindhearted old man has been alive and one he has no intention of letting go any time soon.

Which is why the smile stays the same as Fai laughs along softly, picks a few more things for Sakura.]

She's not the princess I serve, but she shares a soul with her. Regardless, Sakura is always a delight to care for, no matter the incarnation.

[He hesitates just a moment, cants his head to the side, towards the young lady.]

Shall I introduce you?


Thats fine, it takes me awhile sometimes too tea_lover64 November 12 2011, 03:01:30 UTC
[He strokes his beard with a spare hand given the news. Shares a soul with her? That must be quite the burden. He chooses to say nothing though, it did not seem polite]

Of course! It would be an honour.


reflectedstasis November 13 2011, 20:34:28 UTC
Alight, Mister...huh.

[Fai blinks, then laughs a bit sheepishly before offering a fluid bow. He can tell, after all, that this man is powerful in some way, even if the way isn't entirely clear. It's enough, however to have him try to create yet another ally...]

I suppose I should introduce myself first! Fai D. Flourite, at your service.


tea_lover64 November 13 2011, 23:05:01 UTC
Fai D. Flourite, it is a pleasure to meet you.

[He returns the bow]

My name is Iroh.


reflectedstasis November 16 2011, 15:34:21 UTC
[There's something... nice, calming, about the man standing before him. Makes him want to introduce him to Kurogane too, if for no other reason than the fact that he thinks the ninja will appreciate someone like this elder. Or maybe it's all that red and black.

Either way.

For the moment, however, he simply offers a smile with the introduction and repeats the name slowly - it sounds more like the ninja's twisty language than one of his own - then leads him over to the young girl still playing with the puppy.]

Sakura-chan? I've brought you a snack and I'd like you to meet someone - Mister Iroh, this is Sakura-chan - our littlest vampire~


tea_lover64 November 19 2011, 00:53:57 UTC
[He walks over holding his plate gracefully and watches the man. He would wager there is more to him then meets the eye. Upon seeing the little girl, he brightens up. He always did enjoy seeing young children, they were full of life and gave him hope for the future.]

Ah, it is very nice to meet you Sakura, you match quite well with your guardians.


kaijuusakura November 29 2011, 08:40:00 UTC
[ Sakura looks around and smiles up at Fai when he addresses her. She stands up from her crouching position when she notices the other person with Fai, turning to face them. ]

It is nice to meet you too, Mister Iroh!

[ Her grin broadens at the complement. ]

I thought it would be fun if we all matched, and it really is!


reflectedstasis November 29 2011, 21:44:58 UTC
It's the perfect set of costumes, Sakura-chan. You have excellent taste~

[It's simply impossible not to smile when Sakura smiles like that, so far as Fai's concerned. And so he does, just before he offers her the plate, then turns to the portly man beside them.]

So have you been in the Port long? I'm afraid I stay so busy with my Bistro that I often miss new arrivals.


Guh backtagging my apologies tea_lover64 December 2 2011, 00:30:54 UTC
[He laughs a little and strokes his beard]

Yes, I can see how matching helps make your group very cohesive, and rather catching to the eye.

[She was a very cute little girl, it was nice to see a few children around, though he worried about some of the dangers of the city]

Do you have Halloween where you are from?


Open not_yourdaddy November 4 2011, 00:46:12 UTC
[With full reason to glower considering the circumstances that led to his being here, dressed as he was. Kurogane didn't know whether to consider it some form of punishment or a twisted sense of humor. Either way, he could have done without it.

The drink, however. . .well, that was one way to soothe over something at least.

Arms folded over his chest for the time being, his gaze slides over to the blond as he sets about his task. Waiting, always with one slip of attention on Sakura and the other on Fai.]


reflectedstasis November 4 2011, 14:15:37 UTC
[But not waiting too long... this time. As soon as he's done speaking with the older man, Iroh, he steps across the room to his companion and offers the drink with a smile.

An intentionally exaggerated smile.]

Kuro-sama, this is supposed to be a party. There's no need to look at everyone like they're about to attack us. Come on... try it. I'm sure you remember how to smile, right? Like this.

[And he taps his lips, which once again curve up into a slightly playful smile. Not as extreme as it would have been, before, but unconsciously something almost like a balance between the magician Kurogane had first met and the mage he'd been in Infinity.]


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