OPEN - Halloween Party

Oct 31, 2011 15:23

Who: Open to All
When: 31st at 5:30 PM to 1st at 8:00 AM
Where: A large rented building in Sector 4.
Summary: Reim set up a Halloween Party as a small event. The costume warping will happen at this event as well, and there's a special section for it. There's games, food, and other things spooky. Come and enjoy!
Warnings: They will be updated as ( Read more... )

iroh, fai d. flourite, sabriel, sakura kinomoto, *open log, caster, haruhi suzumiya, reim lunettes, kurogane

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COSTUME EVENT silverlunettes October 31 2011, 20:25:11 UTC
If you're being affected by the costume event happening through out the port while you're here, this is where that goes.


[Closed to Haruhi] makeumypet November 2 2011, 02:27:55 UTC
[While Amy was invited, she kept mostly to herself, still sullen about the recent nightmares and what had happened to her father. But that reserved attitude of hers was pretty much expected. Tonight, she came as a noblelady, with a full petticoat and her hair done up in a coif of curls that cascaded from a high ponytail, accentuated by a few costume jewels.]


[Closed to Haruhi] whoisjohnsmith November 2 2011, 02:31:32 UTC
[Haruhi's succubus costume is not subtle, with wings, a very revealing two-piece outfit, a long spiky tail, and tattered but realistic-looking wings along with horns. It was a very satisfactory order, and she thinks she looks quite smoldering. She spots a familiar face in the corner and dashes over with a wide grin.]

Amy~! Hey! You look hot! And... regal.


makeumypet November 2 2011, 02:52:37 UTC

[Amy's eyebrows press together in a little expression of confusion.]

In any case, I am glad to see you, Mademoiselle Haruhi.


whoisjohnsmith November 2 2011, 03:02:57 UTC
Uh---I mean, really pretty and elegant, that's all! It's a nice costume.

You too! How do you know this guy? [By which she means Reim.]


makeumypet November 2 2011, 03:06:58 UTC
Thank you.

Monsieur Lunettes aided me on that day my body aged up. He is also a friend to Monsieur Bonnefoy.


whoisjohnsmith November 2 2011, 03:12:48 UTC
Pssh, anytime...

[Her mind goes back to that particular day with some amusement.] I see, I see. I don't think I know Monsieur Bonnefoy. [Her pronunciation isn't great, but not terrible.]

Anyway, how's the vampire stuff going?


makeumypet November 2 2011, 03:54:23 UTC
Hm. Perhaps you might see him around here. In any case, I am alright. I have been feeding well enough and I see my father daily.

Have you been doing alright, mademoiselle?


whoisjohnsmith November 2 2011, 04:03:26 UTC
Oh, yeah, your dad... Well, as long as you're okay with that, then!

I'm fine. I guess it's hard to really investigate all the weird stuff around here sometimes, but life continues to go on! New mysteries present themselves all the time. I decided I won't get down just because I -- don't have my original brigade around me, I'll just figure out new stuff to do.

[She pauses and looks around.]

It's getting dark earlier, huh?


makeumypet November 2 2011, 14:13:25 UTC
Hm...? What makes it difficult to investigate? And what was your brigade back home?

[She looks around as well.]

It's only natural with winter settling in.


whoisjohnsmith November 2 2011, 15:34:25 UTC
Well, basically, it's that there's no way to know where to start without getting SERO looking at me even more, I guess. We have to be careful about it. My brigade back home was a bunch of people I got together to have adventures with exactly for that kind of investigation... It would be useful to have here, that's all. Hey, you would be a pretty good silent character!

...Still, that means the sirens are gonna go off sooner.


makeumypet November 5 2011, 03:48:29 UTC
Is SERO tracking you down? Why so?

... and... why must there be a silent character in your brigade?

The sirens don't bother me. [She watches the sky for a moment.] I can fight of whatever comes.


whoisjohnsmith November 5 2011, 03:58:29 UTC
...Not tracking me down, exactly. Just--keeping track of, I guess. It's complicated... Maybe you can help me with it later, we'll see.

Umm, silent characters are just useful to have around. Silent but deadly. They're always the coolest person. Audience favorites!

[Haruhi peers out the window herself.] See, exactly like you. You'd be great.

[She grins. Is that something feral in her smile?]


makeumypet November 5 2011, 04:00:24 UTC
... silent but deadly...

[She turns and sees her smile.]



whoisjohnsmith November 5 2011, 04:31:27 UTC
[She grins at Amy. There's something estranged from her normal self, strangely desiring, in her eyes, but then she shakes herself and a more normal expression returns.]

You make your costume yourself?

[She trails a hand towards it as if to slip it along the fabric.]


makeumypet November 5 2011, 05:14:51 UTC
Ah... no... there is a seamstress I frequent. She enjoys making clothes for me.

[She watches the hand move towards her, but she doesn't stop it. She wants to trust Haruhi.]


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