but she's a black magic woman

Oct 28, 2011 05:47

Who: topslug, goesberserk, and omnisciens.
When: Afternoon to Evening, October 31st
Where: Out and about the city, mostly in Sector 4.
Summary: It's Halloween, and Yako's all dressed up for trick or treat! Too bad her costume came with a little more than she bargained for. When the sirens ring and the detective turns into a witch, it's up to her hapless sidekicks to catch ( Read more... )

heiwajima shizuo, neuro nougami, yako katsuragi

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Comments 81

DAYTIME: The Fairgrounds topslug October 27 2011, 22:33:39 UTC
[ For hayride shenanigans and other Halloween madness. ]


topslug October 27 2011, 22:35:09 UTC
[ By the time Yako reaches the entrance of the Fairgrounds where she and Shizuo have agreed to meet, she hasn't had much luck finding any more candy to distribute-- mostly because she just ends up eating whatever candy she buys. Curiously enough, a few people have actually stopped her to give her some candy, which is a pleasant surprise. Of course, Yako ends up eating that too ( ... )


goesberserk October 27 2011, 22:47:22 UTC
[It's something of a mystery to Shizuo, how he got talked into this. It happened gradually, didn't it? From helping Yako find pumpkins to going to the carving to this. He's even had to ask off work early today so that he could come and meet the girl for the festivities, though his boss had little problem with that. Shizuo's found that consistent hard work usually leads to a lot of leniency when a time like this comes around ( ... )


topslug October 28 2011, 00:06:41 UTC
[ Yako's justification for the costume would probably be something along the lines of being a good witch or someone's fairy godmother, but really-- it's just an excuse to wear something different. After the masquerade, something easier to move in was definitely a priority.

The wolf-ears make spotting Shizuo easy enough, and though she's a little disappointed he's chosen to stick with the bartender outfit, she can't say she's surprised. ] Hey. [ She laughs, unable to resist the impulse to reach up and tug on one floppy, lupine ear. ] You look pretty good.

[ She's carrying a vaguely broom-shaped handbag to carry her candy in, though it's sadly empty at the moment. She can't help peering at him speculatively, as though he might spontaneously start laying candy corn. ] What do you want to try doing first?


POST-SIREN: Sector 4 topslug October 27 2011, 22:35:54 UTC
[ Starts out at the party, ends up who-knows where. ]


AT THE PARTY topslug October 27 2011, 22:36:41 UTC
OUT ON THE STREETS topslug October 27 2011, 22:39:32 UTC
[ A party had seemed like a fitting enough way to end the day, and the evening starts off well enough. It's good to see some people she hasn't had the chance to meet with in a while.

Then the sirens go off, and Yako breaks off mid-sentence, a mug of mulled cider still clutched in her hands. Something in her gaze goes distant and blank, like a computer suddenly shut down; for a moment, it seems like she might topple over where she stands.

Abruptly, she shakes it off, snapping back to herself with a shrug of her shoulders. But there's something subtly different about her, and the wicked, sudden smirk on her face doesn't belong to her at all. Eyes wide, she presses a hand to her chest in mock-dismay. ]

Goodness, is it that time already? Well, it's been a lovely evening, but I think that's enough dilly-dallying. You know how it is-- places to go, people to hex!

[ And with an outrageous wink she's climbing onto her broom and-- yes, she actually did just soar out of the window, cackling all the way. Oh dear. That probably won't lead to ( ... )


I'M HEREEE /FLOPS omnisciens November 16 2011, 23:38:31 UTC
[ Neuro'd had enough of human parties at the Masquerade. Granted, this one had more opportunity for mischief than the one at the Lux, and that's the only reason he was paying any attention at all - he'd slunk into the building only recently and was lurking around mostly unnoticed, undoubtedly with some help from a devilish tool or two. Dealing with more human rabble didn't sound very interesting when there was energy in the air and thrumming in his veins. He just knew something was going to happen, as he often did. He was just waiting for the cue.

And there it was. A shrill voice that -- he did know, actually, and Yako was grabbing a broom and flying out of the window with a wicked laugh. Apparently, there are still some things that can surprise the demon Neuro, if his expression is anything to go by. But it's gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a more characteristic hungry grin, and he's over by the window in an instant, putting a gloved hand on the frame and evidently planning on jumping out there after her ( ... )


POST-CAPTURE topslug October 27 2011, 22:43:05 UTC
[ Ding dong the witch is dead, or at the very least knocked out cold. Now it's time for her tatty knights in shining armor to put her to bed. ]


omnisciens December 19 2011, 05:48:07 UTC
[ well, that had been a fun adventure. It wasn't often that Yako was the one causing trouble - not that it had been a lot of trouble. Neuro swings the door open to Yako's room rather unceremoniously, treading over the familiar threshold with something more like impatience than any sort of worry for what sort of nasty fate had befallen his human comrade tonight.

In fact, the only thing that was really trouble at all was the other human comrade here. Neuro watches through the door for Shizuo to come in and drop off their witchy burden. This was one more person who knew the truth about him. It wasn't that it was particularly troublesome - Neuro was well aware that other demons and similar creatures lurked the streets in plain sight. Even demonic protocol didn't matter too much to him. But he didn't want the focus to switch from the "great detective" Yako to himself. And the more people that knew the truth... ]


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