we are lost to one another. we are lost to the world. there is nothing left.

Oct 20, 2011 02:40

Who: Siren's Port
When: The night of Wednesday, October 19th into the morning of Thursday, October 20th.
Where: In the mind, in the dreams, in the unconscious of the sleepers.
Summary: --
Warnings: These dreams may be considered not safe for work, with violence, gore, death, underlying sexual themes and other mentions of graphic nature. Having them ( Read more... )

pickles the drummer, daedalus yumeno, xion, *open log, franz d'epinay, axel

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mirroredmemory October 20 2011, 11:06:02 UTC
[Another night tainted with awful dreams, of getting no rest from sleep. Xion is awake before dawn, startled awake from it all, and there's a moment, a horrible moment, where she feels unsure and lost and bewildered, not sure of where she is anymore.

This time it felt so much worse. Those things she heard, amongst the many things she heard in the course of the dream, those words that would make her flinch if they were real.

She pulls the blanket over her head and coils into a little ball.

She feels cold, and she can't get warm.]


[audio] got_it_memorizd October 20 2011, 11:12:26 UTC
[The Phone Call That Never Was. Only it Is.]


[audio] mirroredmemory October 20 2011, 11:24:01 UTC
[Xion's pillow is vibrating.

She gropes for it, and then pulls it out, keeping her voice low so she doesn't wake Naminé.]

H... hello?


[audio] got_it_memorizd October 20 2011, 11:31:48 UTC
[There's a beat of silence and then Axel exhales quietly.]

Xion. [He swallows, then clears his throat roughly, almost awkwardly.]

I... never actually said that to you did I? [He doesn't remember that, but could it have been something Naminé missed? Would Naminé have left that out to spare him some guilt? Would he really have been so hateful? He knows he's certainly capable of meanness but he endeavors to only use it when it's absolutely necessary.]


[audio] mirroredmemory October 20 2011, 11:45:36 UTC

[She blinks, because it's dark and late and she's really, really confused.]

Said what? What's going on? Are you okay?


[audio] got_it_memorizd October 20 2011, 11:52:31 UTC
The dream, Xion. [His voice is severe, but somehow brittle.] It was... it was yours, wasn't it? [It's not really a question. After getting his memories back with Naminé's help he knows what Xion is. And he doesn't care. He didn't care then, and he doesn't care now--she's as real as any of them are. None of them were supposed to exist, right? That doesn't change the fact that they do.]


[audio] mirroredmemory October 21 2011, 01:53:19 UTC
[There's a pause on her end of the line, and the sound of a deep breath being exhaled.]

Some of it.


[audio] got_it_memorizd October 24 2011, 00:55:22 UTC
The part with my voice, I'm assuming. And Saïx's voice. I know he said some awful stuff to you, but... [But I never said that... did I? He can't even quite find the words to ask again.]


[audio] mirroredmemory October 26 2011, 10:50:51 UTC
It was just a bad dream, Axel.

[Long pause, because even though she knows it's not real, it's still left her a little shaken.]

...I know you wouldn't say anything like that.


[audio] got_it_memorizd October 26 2011, 13:20:17 UTC
[Hearing her say it's not true is a bit of a relief, but he's not entirely convinced she believes it's just a dream. A shake of his head, though he knows she can't see it, and his voice is firm.]

Damn right I wouldn't. Not if I was in my right mind anyway. I worked too hard to get those memories back to throw them away.

[And it wasn't a terribly pleasant process, either. He hopes you appreciate what he went through for you, young lady.]


[audio] mirroredmemory November 3 2011, 09:07:13 UTC
[She does, she appreciates it more than anything.]

You wouldn't say those things... I know you. I know you'd never say something like that. Not to me.

You're not Saïx.


[audio] got_it_memorizd November 7 2011, 00:28:20 UTC
[A mirthless chuckle.] No, I'm not. Thank Light for that, eh?

You gonna be okay?


linkings October 20 2011, 19:28:04 UTC
[Xion wasn't the only one that was awake. With all the nightmares going around, Namine hasn't been sleeping nor wanting to in particular. But she needed a few hours at least.

She tosses and turns just after that one dream. It was Xion's without a doubt, just like there had been dreams of Roxas and Axel and others. She doesn't want to get up yet, it's too early to get up.

She doubts that her roommate's sleeping after that.] ...Xion?


mirroredmemory October 21 2011, 02:00:46 UTC
[Xion's lying quietly in her bunk, trying to get those voices out of her head, when she hears another voice, much more real and closer and kinder than the ones she had heard in her dream.]

...can't you sleep either, Naminé?


linkings October 21 2011, 04:48:03 UTC
[She debates getting up to check on her, but at least slowly sits up on the edge of her bed.]

Mmm, no. It's hard to stay asleep.

Are you... okay?


mirroredmemory October 22 2011, 04:43:27 UTC
[Xion rolls over, so that she's not facing the wall, and angles her head to direct her voice better to the bunk below.]

It's just...

[Just what? That her worst fears and her saddest memory just played out in her mind?]

I'm tired of dreaming horrible things every night.


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