now is the hour, the time when lost souls wander restlessly in the night

Oct 17, 2011 03:10

Who: Siren's Port
When: The night of Sunday, October 16th into the morning of Monday, October 17th.
Where: In the mind, in the dreams, in the unconscious of the sleepers.
Summary: --
Warnings: These dreams may be considered not safe for work, with violence, gore, death, underlying sexual themes and other mentions of graphic nature. Having them is ( Read more... )

chane laforet, nami, khisanth, demyx, *open log, axel, marluxia, claire stanfield, xemnas, daniel, nara shikamaru, xigbar, simon tam, ivan karelin, carrie kelley

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At the hospital! Open to Blainers, hospital staff and to the NV. showbizpanache October 17 2011, 07:37:04 UTC
[He's been unconscious for an entire day. Sometime around midnight, though, he jerks awake with a sharp cry, and starts shaking violently.]

No-- No, no...

[The sudden movement was jarring, and he doubles over, coughing harshly.]


mediumdrip October 17 2011, 14:07:40 UTC
[Blaine has been with Kurt since he got the phone call. He's sleeping in a chair next to him when he jerks awake from the nightmares.

At first he thinks that what he is seeing is still part of the dream before he realizes that it really is Kurt and he really is coughing.

Still groggy from the intense nightmare he moves up and puts a hand on Kurt's back.] Hey, hey it's okay.


showbizpanache October 17 2011, 21:53:27 UTC
[Kurt's hands flail around as if searching for something to cling to, lost and wild like a frightened child. They find Blaine and immediately latch on to him, grabbing and clinging at his clothes.]

Oh no-- Oh no, no, no... No...


mediumdrip October 17 2011, 23:00:26 UTC
[Blaine holds him back and rubs his back, trying to sooth him]

It's okay... [He says again, voice soft. His own heart is still hammering, either from the nightmares or the way Kurt is acting, but he manages to stay calm in an effort to comfort Kurt.]


showbizpanache October 17 2011, 23:16:14 UTC
Where am I? [His eyes are wild, frightened.] Blaine, where am I? What happened?


mediumdrip October 17 2011, 23:37:18 UTC
You're in the hospital. You tried to heal Jinx and lost consciousness. Do you remember doing that?


showbizpanache October 17 2011, 23:39:32 UTC
Yeah. Yeah, I-- How long was I--?


mediumdrip October 17 2011, 23:42:19 UTC
It's still Sunday, or I guess Monday now. You've only been out of it for a day.


showbizpanache October 17 2011, 23:45:04 UTC
[He nods, and realizes there are tears on his face, he reaches up to touch them, bewildered.]


mediumdrip October 17 2011, 23:47:33 UTC
Are you okay? I should probably get a nurse or a doctor. [He reaches for the call button.]


showbizpanache October 17 2011, 23:52:13 UTC
No-- No, I'm fine. Just nightmares. [He sniffs, then buries his face in his hands.] The worst nightmares, Blaine, the worst...


mediumdrip October 17 2011, 23:58:35 UTC
[Blaine presses the call button anyway, because Kurt has been unconscious all day and he probably needs to be checked out.]

I... I had some really bad dreams too. I've had them since I got here, but the last few days it's gotten so much worse.

Are you sure you're okay?


showbizpanache October 18 2011, 00:04:02 UTC
They were so bad, Blaine... So bad. [He reaches for Blaine again, needing to hold on, to be held.]


mediumdrip October 18 2011, 03:40:47 UTC
[Blaine holds him again and rubs his back.] They're just dreams.


showbizpanache October 18 2011, 03:43:53 UTC
[Kurt just holds on, crying and shaking, and he can hear footsteps as two nurses step into the room. He make a soft, pained sound as he's pulled away from Blaine, and lies down as they check all his vitals. He's given a sedative, which he doesn't take.

They tell Blaine that he should leave, and Kurt immediately shakes his head.]

No. I want him here. Just a little longer, if you wouldn't mind-- Please.


mediumdrip October 18 2011, 03:45:57 UTC
[Blaine looks a little surprised that Kurt wants him to stay but promises the nurses he'll leave when Kurt falls asleep again.]


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