and the vision that was planted in my brain

Oct 17, 2011 00:54

Who: stoicloyalty and vinovidivici
When: Backdated to the 9th
Where: Sector 4 boarding house
Summary: Chane's DA is getting her emotions in other people's stuff. If you willingly became mute just to keep your secrets safe you'd find that suddenly involuntarily broadcasting your thoughts telepathically is a real downer too. Continuation of this and this.
Warnings: I swear to god they're not normally this emotional. Okay that's a lie but at least she's normally not as bad as him.

[ The walk over to the boarding house is taken at a clipped pace, fed by excitement and nervous energy. Not all of the latter is his, he thinks: there's still a strangely foreign hum of worry that hasn't completely dissipated since the night he traced it to Chane. Unable to do much except try and push those feelings aside and make the occasional call (wringing as many unusually minimal responses out of her as possible) he's glad to finally have a prompt to action. The front door is unlocked and still in need of that paint job he mentioned weeks ago, he needs to get on that. Light peeks out from under the kitchen door, so he calls out softly before opening it, not necessarily expecting an answer but wanting to announce his presence to whoever's in there. ] Hey?

chane laforet, claire stanfield

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