still, I'm heading them off

Oct 13, 2011 16:05

Who: under_thehood and proxysearch.
When: Saturday, October 15th, late evening into early night.
Where: Sector 9, in an abandoned warehouse.
Summary: Re-l and Jason are investigating the same meeting. Unfortunately, they both have very different ways of dealing with the problem at hand.
Warnings: Language, violence.

I feel like I'm losing my grip. I'm slipping, but I know I will, I will. )

re-l mayer, jason todd

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Comments 24

under_thehood October 13 2011, 21:19:05 UTC
Re-l wasn't the only one who felt the distinct absence of Bruce from Port. As the week had gone on, the steady ache in Jason's chest hadn't left, only strengthened and deepened, despite taking down monsters left and right. Something was missing and he couldn't just ignore it anymore like he could his father's last words. They were minced speech, useless to him in every single way and he'd decided a while ago to stop listening to anything Bruce had to say.

So, he'd taken up his own crusade and he would take out crime his way; no one would stop him from hunting down every dirtbag and sending him or her to an early grave. The trail of drugs being sold to kids led back to a couple guys who he'd been following for a couple days now, watching their movements, listening to them talk about business out in the open. There was a meeting in this warehouse tonight, several big dealers all at once ( ... )


proxysearch October 13 2011, 21:46:09 UTC
No names, no real breaks. Not yet, anyway. Her eyes lingered on one man across the table who kept fussing with his watch. He was nervous; he'd be perfect to be dragged in. She could get Bigby in a room with him... He'd crack before dawn and she'd get her names. She'd prefer for the meeting to be more fruitful than that, but she'd settle if she had to. She could be patient, sometimes.

She didn't hear him approach, not until he was seconds away from speaking and by then, she'd have a knife in her back. Stupid... She should have been more prepared for something like this. He didn't threaten her or shoot her, which meant he wasn't on their side. Or so she hoped. Re-l glanced over her shoulder at him, unimpressed. She took a moment to look him up and down, try to identify him without asking for his name. She recognized the helmet from that post Slade made. She turned back to the meeting for another moment ( ... )


under_thehood October 16 2011, 19:37:49 UTC
"Not a cape, baby," Jason replied as he squatted down near the railing of the catwalk, completely turning his back to her. "Never was, never will be."

One ear is tuned into the conversation below and the other to her, listening for any movements, any shifts in fabric or any clues that she might be attacking. Still, the trade continued below them, still an absence of names or anything particularly useful to either of the observers, but Jason could wait and he would wait until something came up.

"Slow talkers, aren't they." He tried to draw more quiet conversation out, feeling a little chatty and in a relatively good mood despite the week and its emotional toll on him. This was nothing, this was old hat, this was comfortable and safe and a walk in the park compared to anything else in Port.


proxysearch October 16 2011, 19:56:54 UTC
"You're still dressed up like a vigilante." She almost wanted to ask if he thought he had something to prove, but there was work to be done and she didn't want to get into a heated argument.

It didn't take long for her to grow particularly impatient with this group. They kept going round and round about prices and territory, never sticking long to the topics she wanted them to stay on. She was, however, glad that they touched on when and where some of their lower men were working. She could investigate it later when she had some time. Hopefully they wouldn't be changed before she had the chance to step in.

Re-l lifted an eyebrow, not turning to him just yet. "I'm surprised they want to stick around in one place for so long." Which meant that this conversation might be over too soon, leaving her without many leads.


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