EMP: EVENT START - reaction and mingling log

Oct 07, 2011 15:16

Who: You! Everyone! Open!
When: Night of the 7th.
Where: All over the Port.
Summary: The EMP event has begun. There are no sirens. What will your character do?
Warnings: Violence, please note in comment headers to be added

Are you ready? )

saint michael, frau, amy pond, *open log, griffin o'conner, caster, elaine belloc, castiel, garr, the joker, godric, *event, sephiroth, dick grayson, clark kent, sylar (gabriel gray), axel, mary winchester, xigbar, crowley

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boundbytreason October 11 2011, 03:49:59 UTC
For Caster, the Darkness hardly posed a threat, but she could keenly understand the screams of fear that rose in response to its unheralded arrival. With a fine surplus of spells at her fingertips, she could tame any beast as her own through as much as a single word. However, she cared not to use those powers to aid any in need. Ever since arriving, she had been waiting for such an opportunity, and she wouldn’t allow any distractions to inconvenience her further still.

For a while, her magic served as the perfect pair of eagle eyes, dismal scene after dismal scene flashing through a conjured orb upon silent command. Then, a young man swam into view, and she recognized him as the one who openly revealed his identity as a vampire - Godric. To a magus, vampires weren’t exactly the most novel concept to behold, but his search to make amends, as well as the unknown extent of his bloodthirsty nature, personally captivated her interest.

Uttering a few, ancient Greek incantations, she prodded the haphazard monsters of the Darkness to converge at Godric’s location in increasing numbers. To the naked eye, it would seem like they arbitrarily decided to wander over or, perhaps, reveled in the sadistic entertainment of preying upon a shared victim. Although she didn’t think that a vampire would consider them the least bit overwhelming, she hoped Godric would find himself sufficiently preoccupied with ensuring the safety of the defenseless from the growing assembly of predators. Then, when her evoked shadow - a duplicate of her own self that was nigh impossible to differentiate from the real one - materialized only a few feet away, she would be in perfect position for the next step.

All it took was forward momentum, nimble steps punctuated by the click of her sandaled heels, before she stood behind him, leaving an arm’s worth of space between them. With her magic continuing to incite the creatures with a spell akin to telekinesis, she expected Godric to turn to identify the new presence, but she doubted that he would have a chance to intervene with her plan. However, she could neither foresee the future nor claim to predict the vampire’s next reaction. It was mere supposition, but even if she was wrong, she couldn’t stop now. She had anticipated for the quickness of his vampiric nature, and even though it was another assumption that could prove false, she simply had no time for delays or hesitations.

In the span of a second, Caster had her back facing him, and with the final, magical provocation from a safe distance, a Crystal Spider shot forth a crystallized thread, slicing across the delicate skin on the side of her neck. She couldn’t see where Godric stood, but if he went along as anticipated, blood would have blossomed from her wound to splatter lightly across his face.

Regardless of the success of her plan, she gasped sharply, wincing instinctively, only to find another sound of pain slipping past her lips. The web’s string had dug deeper into her flesh, yielding another crimson rivulet that trickled past her black choker of satin. Pointing a faintly quivering finger at the Crystal Spider, a glow of violet gathered at the tip, followed by the spark of electricity crackling and shattering its body like breaking glass.

Her robe fluttered softly as she shifted to face Godric, her breathing emerging at a slightly quicker pace than usual. "I hope you'll excuse my intrusion," she stated, her voice courteous with an apologetic note. "I had thought that you might have been in need of assistance." As if in indication, she swept her arm back, briefly interrupting herself to intone a single word of a foreign language to cast another surge of lightning towards the riled creatures. "Are you harmed?"

Even though her eyes were unreadable beneath her hood, concern remained palpable in her voice with warmth and kindness. After all, for one unaware of her ploy, wouldn't it seem like she had just moved in front of him to take the blow in his stead?

(OOC: I'm...terribly, terribly sorry for the TL;DR of this tag. D: Caster's been, um, wanting to test this out on vampire Godric for a while, but if there was anything you didn't want her doing, please let me know!)


bloodissacred October 12 2011, 16:59:31 UTC
A vampire of Godric's age was highly in tune with his surroundings. More so than other vampires, especially more so than mortals. On a given day, he could tell the blood type of a group of humans. His senses were unmatched, being able to hear entire conversation rooms away when they were barely speaking.

At first the Darkness were like any other. He didn't need to even move much before he was taking them out. But then they congregated. He was much faster though. And this was without using any of his real and true force. It was a workout however.

But Castor slipped up. He was aware of her presence from the beginning, and when she muttered, he knew the Greek words she spoke. Greece may not have been the country in power when he was born, but he knew enough of it over the centuries. Especially with humanity's fascination with those things that have passed.

But she moved, she moved and something struck her. Godric moved like a blur to her side, taking out a creature as he did so.

"We need to get you to Fangtasia." He wasn't sure how her body could be affected by this injury, and Godric was not one to give out his blood. He had no reason to suspect her of anything, but certainly things did not make sense.


boundbytreason October 14 2011, 00:52:31 UTC
When Godric failed to fall in line with her plan, Caster decided that the petty information she had about vampires from her world would be of no avail to her. However, she should have known. While she hadn't even considered Raphael a challenge, Godric was on an entirely different level. The Core clearly drew variations of the same species, and she would need to identify the differences before she made a second attempt.

Either way, she came prepared for the eventuality that her scheme wouldn’t come to fruition, and she maintained a smooth mask of composure.

"There is no need," Caster stated in a reassuring voice. "It will heal, and we need to attend to the safety of this city’s denizens first, do we not?" She swept her hand back, sending another surge of electricity at the creatures that were no longer provoked by her magic. "Do you have everything under control here?"


bloodissacred October 17 2011, 16:31:08 UTC
He straightened at the news. So his suspicions of her being a supernatural were confirmed. Godric had been around the block a few times to pick up certain things, and while he did not know it all, he was very old and very experienced.

"As much as could be." Control was relative. His eyes flickered back to the curling black objects. More were coming, but he was not afraid.


boundbytreason October 18 2011, 00:57:41 UTC
"Then I shall see to another section of the city," Caster decided, turning away from him.. "Take care." With that resolved, she began to return back the way she came, her robe fluttering in her wake like the feathers of a raven.

A plan was never without trial and error. With one already made, she would certainly need to tread more carefully, but it was worth it to learn more about the alternate variety of species populating the city. Besides, with her time in the city indefinite, she had sufficient time to correct her mistakes and devise a better plan.


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