yosukecantstop and
When: Friday night
Where: the 'haunted' hayrides
Summary: Yosuke tells spooky stories...badly. Everyone has some lulz and a good time. Friends of the old Yosuke, new CR, people who just want to laugh at him...everyone's welcome. Except for part II...but don't worry about part II, that'll be
underachieves's problem.
Warnings: Nothing in part one! Maybe a bad word or two, if that. In part two? Violence and monsters and a bit of bloodshed. Also major panicking and some heartstrings being yanked on in unwanted ways. Read at your own risk!
Starting in prose, but action spam is A-okay with me if it's easier for you! ...Yeah I really made that pun. And I'm only a little sorry.
It's a crisp evening, not long after the autumn solstice, and it's a gorgeous clear night for a hayride around the ole deathtrap if you are so inclined. But hey, did that precariously balanced scarecrow atop the hay bale over there just wink at you? Hey-he did! He freezes again until the crowd begins to gather, and then suddenly a loud whistle calls all eyes to him. Gather round, gather round. You're about to hear some really terrible attempts at spooky stories. You don't want to miss this, right?