(no subject)

Oct 03, 2011 02:33

Who: showbizpanache and beenwaitinglong.
When: Sunday morning/afternoon.
Summary: Kurt runs into Godot in pursuit of coffee. He leaves with coffee and WISDOM.
Warnings: Nothin'!

[Coffee is a vice that Kurt simply can't go without. Despite all the feelings he has about coffee shops, he goes to one anyway, dismissing the slight pang in his heart as silly and irrational. It's just a damn Starbucks, he assures himself, and pays for his nonfat soy latte before casting about for a table.

He finds one close to a window, and immediately notices a familiar face nearby. It's difficult not to notice him, quite honestly, and Kurt wonders vaguely if he should approach Godot and thank him for all of his help in August. He's not in much of a mood to socialize, though, so he sips his coffee as he struggles with the idea.

I'm being ridiculous, he realizes and finally gets up, moving over to Godot's table and clearing his throat delicately.] Um...excuse me...sir?

godot, kurt hummel

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