Who: Sherlock Holmes and Bruce Wayne (...as neither Sherlock or Bruce)
When: September 29th, briefly before sirens
Where: Any given shifty bar
Summary: Badasses in disguise cross paths. Zaniness ensues.
Warnings: Violence, maybe? Will update if needed.
We were fated to pretend )
It was all good that he looked like that - after all, he was merely a lowly runner. Out of his luck, out of jobs, looking for some sort of work - any work - that would give him proper food at some time. But really, it was difficult for him, a conspiracy theorist who hated both companies and the Newcomers. But he was a beacon for people like him - people who believed in their own innate goodness without much to show about it, and who wanted to prove it to ( ... )
(There was a part of him, hidden deep inside, then quirked his lips upwards. Oh, there was something different about this man alright; something about him that was almost too polished, too believable. The sugar-coating- oh yes. There was a desperation in him that wanted the drug ( ... )
"God, who even makes this kind of shit?" Carter says it flippantly, but Sherlock really wants the answer. Someone this low on the chain probably didn't know, but they had to get the drugs somewhere.
Part of him was tempted to try it. For scienctific reasons, really. To test it. He could only really understand the symptoms if he experienced them firsthand. But no.
"Nah, I got caught smoking some shit in the bathroom here once and nearly got banned. Don't wanna risk that."
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