dressed to perfection with no one to impress ;

Oct 01, 2011 21:55

Who: mashooq & kingofrooks
What: An inevitable encounter rife with emotion.
When: The evening of September 27th.
Where: Bruce's office at the police station.
Warnings: These comic book characters' lives can be mistaken for a MTV reality show.

( She knew her timing had to be right. She was usually good at manipulating situations to her advantage, but with him it took so much more planning, so much more effort. She liked to think that he was worth it, but some days she wasn't so sure.

Talia had done her research, she was good at that. She arrived just before sunset, went in as though she owned the place. His office wasn't particularly hard to find, not when she knew what she was looking for. And once there, it was only a simple matter of announcing herself. )

It's not really much compared to the manor, is it? But I must admit, beloved, you do do well for yourself, wherever you go.

bruce wayne | batman, talia al ghul

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