Who: Solid Snake, Miharu Rokujou
When: April 21st, afternoon (backdated)
Where: Outside Skye Medical Center, then around Sector 4.
Summary: Miharu's not taking care of himself and Snake's not gonna take it anymore.
Warnings: TBA
There were days when Snake, despite his mostly infinite patience, regretted setting foot outside the house. Within five minutes of being ushered out of the semi-crowded waiting room and into the doctor's office, he had become painfully aware that it was one of those days.
The automatic doors slid open as he and Miharu stepped outside of Skye Medical Center, and while the kid most likely didn't feel anything at all (no way of telling if he did anyway; Miharu had the world's best poker face), Snake couldn't help but be just a tad disgruntled. Nothing had been gained from this but bad news with no ready solution available that the boy seemed keen on taking. The doctor had fired off enough problems to fill a small list: anemia, an iron deficiency, abnormal growth caused by malnutrition -- Miharu had it all. At his age, he should have weighed 115 pounds to be considered healthy by the bare minimum; instead, he weighed around seventy pounds with a height of about 5 feet even; small even for a fifteen year old. Likely that could be attributed to the severe lack of food he was getting, but who saw that coming, really?
When asked what he would recommend, the doctor's reply was hospitalization. Something was obviously wrong with Miharu if he wasn't getting enough nutrition, and if his family wasn't seeing to it than perhaps he could be kept overnight for observation so professionals could arrange a new diet for him. Miharu's tuneless reply cut Snake off right as he was in the process of opening his mouth to agree with the guy -- "What else can you do?"
The kid had been given a strict schedule to follow and a large bottle of iron supplements to take with his meals. The medical equivalent of a slap on the wrists, Snake was sure. He damn well knew that the other wouldn't adhere to the schedule; hell, he probably hadn't even been listening at the time. Even now he looked spaced out as they walked out of the hospital parking lot, just as silent as they were when they had arrived. In any other situation, he would have welcomed it. Right now he only felt sourness and frustration that they both had wasted the time getting an opinion that could have very well been gained by a run of the mill pharmacist.
He grunted quietly to himself, seething.