Who: 1) Joe
madeinoblivion & OPEN
2) Joe & Roxas
pullsheavendown, Xion
mirroredmemory, Namine
3) Joe & Vexen
When: Monday Night (26th), Tuesday Morning (27th), & Immediately Following
1) Twins Nightclub, The Underground Mall
2) The Apartment of Never Shoulda Beens
3) Sector 4 Streets --> Vexen's Lab
Summary: An ordinary night at Club Twins, it is not. The club kids are popping the latest drug craze, a pill called
Xalyein, and word in the street is that it can tell if you're a good or bad person at heart. Tempting. (Club goers, drug pushers, undercover investigators? Here's where the center of city nightlife is at. Feel free to use this part of the log as your drug plot playground.)
After finally giving in and popping one, stumbling home after his shift, Joe is attacked by an infected host, who transfers DG cells to a wound site close to his spinal cord, causing the infection to spread rapidly by the time his morning nap is over, and his friends are all home. Trouble ensues.
...in trying to flee their concern, he meets his maker. Cue mad science.
Warnings: Drugs, Hallucinations, Viral Infection/Mind-Controlling Cells, Violence, Capture, Experimentation
Notes: Running this log as a three-parter to do several stages at once. The open part of the log goes under the first thread, other sections are closed.