You Should Cut Up My Vein

Sep 22, 2011 13:20

Who: Godric and Open
When: Throughout the day on Friday
Where: The Library
Summary: Godric's up during the day and learning about the Port. Don't mind a young looking man who is continuously bleeding.
Warnings: Blood?

[He'd taken to leaving the makeshift nest Eric had formed some time midmorning. His travels through the underground were slow. He took the day to discover his new home. While he very much knew the feeling of the sun, he didn't want to experience it again. Taking the tunnels, he found his way up to the library sometime after lunch. It seemed the most logical place to start after all.

He perused each isle slowly, taking in the name of the books, the section. Many of the subjects he knew or even experienced himself. But what he was most interested in was this place and its history.

However it was still daylight, and for this particular vampire, it meant he would periodically have blood trickling out of his nose and ears. He had a towel with him, but the longer he stayed out the white cotton took on a deep red and then a browner color. He didn't seem bothered by the bleeding though, much more interested in his surroundings.

Finally with a book in hand and his towel, Godric found a seat at a table. It was at least a start. The day had already proven fruitful already.]


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