Well how's your view of things today

Sep 17, 2011 22:52

Who: Sora ( lockandkeyblade ) and Xion (mirroredmemory )
When: September 16 - Afternoon
Where: At a park, near playground somewhere in the city.
Summary: Takes place shortly after this thread. Sora adds another name to the list of friends he won't be meeting again back home.
Warnings: Generous doses of sad 8<.

Sora thinks he understands Roxas a little better- about why he's said certain things to Sora, and kept other things hidden. He understands Xion too, can see why certain things are precious to her and why all the rest fall away. Sora understands why sometimes, when he looks at either of them together, there's just the tiniest sense of something sad, of something he'll break if he's not careful.

At the camping grounds, Roxas had told him he wasn't ready. And as he stands there, waiting to meet Xion at the park, Sora thinks he might have been right.

He's here because he wants to know the truth. He wants to know what happened to her so at least someone will when he goes back. But maybe it's less about that and more about something else. Maybe, it's not entirely about digging up old memories than it is about making a new one. That he wants to spend time with a friend. While he still can.

xion, sora

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