hair is important, okay?

Sep 16, 2011 15:44

Who: Heiwajima Shizuo and Blaine Anderson
When: September 16th
Where: Underground Mall (specifically, a salon)
Summary: Two very mismatched people both need to care for their hair. And so there is a chance meeting.
Warnings: Not expecting anything. Shizuo might lose his temper, but other than that it should be pretty tame.

And so it was that time again.

Seeing how he had been dyeing his hair since high school, it was practically routine for Shizuo by now. He hadn't even considered the fact that he didn't need to bother with it in this place where his reputation wasn't nearly as far spread. If he'd wanted, he could have let his true color grow back out, and yet he continued to return to this salon month after month. He didn't think too much about why, but if he had to say, it was probably because Tom had given him the idea in the first place. It was a way of paying tribute to his friend, of proving to himself that he hadn't forgotten about him despite the long amount of time he'd spent here.

In fact, it was almost the end of September by now. The leaves on the trees were starting to change color (and he was going to do his best to forget about that whole incident with the cherry blossoms) and it was growing cold all over again. A few more months and he would have been here for a year.

He didn't know what to think of it, really. He missed people from home -- his brother and Celty most noticeably -- and more than that, he missed the city. But this place and the people here weren't always that bad, which was how he'd learned to live with it. Finding a job that he could hold onto for a long period of time certainly helped.

Even though he was pretty well settled into life here, though, there was a constant sign of how things kept changing. People came in and out of the boarding house where he lived with an alarming frequency, and yet he and a few others stalwartly remained. Rin was the one who stood out most at this point. He didn't know what he'd do if she just disappeared one day.

Either way, there he was, seated in the waiting area and quietly flipping through a magazine as he waited for his turn in the salon chair.

blaine anderson, heiwajima shizuo

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