game opening; first day

Jan 02, 2010 00:25

Who: (NPC) Delaney Aafjes; completely open
When: Sunday, January 3, 2010; immediately following morning sirens @ 7:00 am
Where: starting point/abandoned baseball diamond
Summary: When Delaney is out on a flight this calm Sunday morning, he runs across a huge group of newcomers all arriving at the same time, and decides to serve as a temporary Greeter. (That is to say, a post for all accepted characters to react to their arrival in Siren's Port.)
Warnings: tba; probably swearing
NOTE: the current weather is cold enough to see your breath, with the grass a bit crunchy from overnight frost

'There's really nothing better than a good morning flight.' Delaney thought to himself as he flew up high over the fourth district, eyes flicking below him, moving gracefully between buildings on his hoverboard, blond hair streaming out behind him. He thought it probably presented an awfully pretty picture, but then again, Delaney had always been a bit too self-confident that way.

Everything seemed in order, just a normal Sunday morning in Siren's Port - that is, until he saw a pretty much completely untended baseball diamond that had a pretty bad reputation as the place all those strange 'newcomers' had been showing up since the Core started pulling its strange new malfunctions. Of course, the one day there were no Greeters on duty (and it was no wonder, the newcomers had slowed down for the past month or so)...there were a whole flock of them showing up. All at once.

Way to go, Core.

'Poor hapless fools don't know what they're in for.' Delaney thought, with a slightly pitying expression on his face, 'It would only be gracious of me to give them a bit of a hand, hmmmm~?'

Swooping down, he dropped by the dugouts, and let himself inside with his Greeters key (hey, everyone needed some spare income at times, right?) before engaging the intercom system.

Out on the surface of the baseball diamond, loudspeakers crackled to life with a loud whine of interference, and Delaney's far-too-perky voice piped out over them.

"WELCOME, random huge group of newcomer-type people! Welcome to Siren's Port! Don't be scared, at least not TOO scared. This might seem a bit weird to you, but believe me when I say it's kinda normal for us! My name is Delaney, and if you have any questions, just step right up to the dugouts~"

claudio kilgannon, *open log, *npc: delaney aafjes, kunogi himawari, watanuki kimihiro, doumeki shizuka, syaoran (clone), zexion, terrance 'trauma' ward, †: kurosaki ichigo, *first day, kurosaki isshin, nnoitra jiruga, ishida ryuuken, sam merlotte, yuffie kisaragi, ukoku sanzo, †: matt (mail jeevas)

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