Who: Hattie, Ella, and all of you!
When: August 13, 10AM - 6PM
Where: A rented Hall specifically for the purpose of hosting social parties.
Summary: The informal soiree as mentioned by Ella some time ago. Invitees and Non Invitees more than welcome.
Warnings: Probably none - Hattie being Hattie, Ella being Ella.
Notes: Feel free to tag in wherever! Set up may be prose, but the rest is action spam. (Or if you would rather do prose, prose away!)
[ The Hall that Ella had rented for the purpose of the party is currently decorated quite nicely. Silver banners hang along the ceiling, with colorful flowers in vases encircling the room. The tables set up are covered with lacey white tablecloths, with a center piece and candles decorating each table. At the back of the room there is a smaller table, separate from everyone else and on a raised stage so that the occupant can oversee the entire room, is a fancier set up of table. There are a few empty chairs there, where the hostess's preferred guests can join them. Or her, specifically. ]
[ It had been many many days in the making- Honestly, Hattie wished she had even more time to plan; for the first time ever, Ella actually witnessed a… -Nervous- Hattie?? She was constantly fiddling with something or other, smoothing out her dress, or nibbling hard upon her lower lip; even now and then repeating words she planned to recite later in the evening. All the signs were there. However one habit in particular that might have gotten on the other step-sisters' nerves was the constant repeating of one phrase:]
Everything has to be -perfect-. Is everything perfect?
[ For the umpteenth time, Ella, clad in
a formal dress sighed. How she hoped their guests would show up soon. Just so Hattie didn't ask her that again. ]
[ OOC: There'll be four parts to start - the Meet and Greet, Hattie's Address, generic socializing and the banquet for munchies, and any entertainment afterwards. Tag yourselves in and have fun~! Or make new threads if you prefer for tidiness's sake! Let's go CRAZY :3]