no we will not be eating jungle animals k.

Apr 07, 2010 23:35

Who: The Big Baws and miss Kei
When: Tues Apr 6, eveningishhh
Where: Kei's swingin' pad
Summary: I swear every other log Kei has involves food somehow THIS ONE WILL BE NO DIFFERENT BY GOLLY
Warnings: I only forsee gratuitous violence if the issue of Kei's weight comes up. So other than that...UST?

Time passed in different ways for Kei. She'd grown up on Earth, of course, adjusted to the sunrise and sunset of days for much of her young life. It was easy to keep track of the days that way--something that became so second nature before...Well. Before Harlock. Before space. The calendar out there was...almost irrelevant. There was no sun to watch rise and set. On the Arcadia, you rose when you wished, worked when you cared to, slept when you wanted. No schedules or routines, not unless it's what you wanted. Everyone was free to decide.

Not the case anymore, not here. Kei had to bend and shrink herself, folding as best she could into some kind of mold that kept herself sustained. It was easier for her than the others, she figured. Especially him. It'd be like caging some great beast. She couldn't bring herself to think of it for too long, the idea of her captain bound against his will. How it'd be the last thing she'd know of him, too; pain or no pain, he'd walk away if he wanted, and probably die doing it. That was how devoted he was to freedom.

Kei wasn't that strong.

Two, nearly three months creeped up on her before she knew it, and she was uncertain how to feel about it anymore. She certainly didn't want to be resigned to this place with all it's madness and horror, but without a clear means of escape...

Well, it wasn't going to find itself, was it? And at the same time, she couldn't focus herself solely to that work. Work. Half for the living here, half for the returning to a life elsewhere. It was rather exhausting, but she was determined.

The sirens were going to sound soon. It was never the same time, but she was getting good about guessing. Back on Earth, back with the sunrise and the sunset and the times that all related. She drifted to the end of the room, peering out the window at the bleak view. Things were winding down; everyone else knew better than her. How long had this all been going on...?

Just another question to add to the pile. A mountain by now, wasn't it?

"Ah, well."

kei yuki, big boss

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