Late as late...

Jun 17, 2011 09:37

Who: thelittlestbub and surgicalshot
When: Backdated to Wednesday, June 15th
Where: Tenma's place.
Summary: So, she blew up the house and worried her friends. She's going to see one who makes her smile.
Warnings: Derpiness. No, really. From Jubes too. Maybe some swearing, but nothing too potent.

Jubilee was sitting in the hallway, waiting on a friend. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes, taking a moment to breathe deeply.

Her powers weren't back to full strength, but at least they weren't completely gone as they had been the last couple of days. Her fingers sparked, reassuring her that they were still there.

She knew she was losing weight again, but, honestly, she thought she deserved it. Stress did that to her.

Hearing steps in the hallway, she opened her eyes, but just shifted her feet out of the way of the person walking down the hall. Then, she wrapped her arms around her knees and simply waited.

Another set of footsteps and she looked up. A weak smile was managed but it fell flat. "Hey, Doc." She reached down and picked up one of the bags of fast food she'd brought with her - it wasn't fancy but at least it was comforting. "I thought we could have dinner?"

jubilee, kenzo tenma

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