A Bad News Day

Jun 11, 2011 01:33

Who: Julian Keller (julianhellion ) and Kevin Ford (southernreaper )
When: Wednesday, circa 6:00pm
Where: Sector 5 - Apartments
Summary: Julian and Kevin need to have a little chat.
Warnings: There may be anger and/or angst. Actually, scrap that, there's definitely gonna be angst of some description.

It had been a long day since Julian had seen the news. He'd tried not to think about it of course, tried not to let it play on his mind. But in the end he hadn't been able to help it. That man killed, only ashes found where he'd been. And the description of the boy that the police were looking for in connection with the death...

It could be a coincidence, of course. Sirens' Port was a place where things regularly went bump in the night, and it wasn't out of the question that something else could have hurt that man. But Julian had a terrible feeling about it every time it crossed his mind, which it was doing with disturbing regularity. He kept having involuntary flashes of Laurie's ruined arm. It was impossible not to. In the end, he knew he was going to have to ask Kevin about it. He needed peace of mind, needed to know that it wasn't his friend who had done this thing whether accidental or not.. But more than any of that, he needed the truth. Because if it had been Kevin, Julian figured the cops would take that about as well as they did the last time.

He waited until Kevin got home, until the restless movement about the house had stopped and. About an hour after Kevin got home, Julian heard the sound of Kevin working in the kitchen. Well, now or never. He left his room and went straight for the kitchen, unconsciously running a hand through his hair as he did so.

"Hey, Kevin. You got a minute? Just wondering if you'd seen the News Feed today."

julian 'hellion' keller, wither

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