An open log, for an antisocial child...

May 23, 2011 12:48

Who: southernreaper and anyone who wants to come across him.
Where: All over.
When: All day and up to an hour or two after sirens
Summary: Kevin Ford is out studying the celebrations.
Warnings: Possibly some talk of addiction, and macabre descriptions. Possibly language. Will update as needed.
Notes: Put time and sector in your subject line, please. Action/Prose is fine, I can adjust.

Kevin didn't want to be out here today. He could feel the pressure in the back of his mind as he walked the streets, wanting nothing more than to go scurrying home and hide in that ragged apartment and not see what he was really seeing.

He rubbed a gloved hand over his face and blinked the visions away. He hated seeing people like that. It was when his powers really were becoming a problem.

However, he'd noticed that if he pressed against the boundaries of his comfort, he'd actually have a longer time between it getting bad again. He'd scrounged up enough money to get a bottle of water at a small store that was running on shortened hours.

Some sort of holiday or something.

He stopped to watch some sort of street party or something, his hands in his pockets.


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