Brooke's Restaurant (OPEN LOG!!!)

May 16, 2011 12:30

Who: Anybody and Brooke
When: The Afternoon of the 16th
Where: Brooke's musical emporium restaurant
Summary: All sorts of people have been invited to have tea, music lessons, duels, and whatnot, so this is where any of that goes down.  Also, if people want some food, they can stop by to have the rare opportunity to have a skeleton waiting on them.
Warnings: If you are female, Brooke may ask to see your panties.

Brooke was back in his store once more and was dazzled by how different it was since he had last been there. The door itself was his first tip off that he was likely going to be experiencing something different than what he had remembered. However, this was still his store in his mind, so he was going to still go about his business like he had done the months before when he was last here. He had made himself a fresh cup of tea, and was expecting a few guests to come over today, so waited with great anticipation, feeling the excitment again about wondering what kind of customer might step through the door today. Deciding that it would be best to not pester every single person that might come through the door, he waltzed over to the piano and cracked his knuckles. It was the very same piano that he used to play all those months back, and he was feeling strangely nastolgic about the whole thing. So he began to play his favorite song that always made all his memories pouring back to him in the hopes that he would be able to see many old friends today. The song he played went like this.

brooke, ella, zoey, vivi nefertari, fai d. flourite, *open log

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