Who: Nill and Joe (Replica Riku)
When: Around 3:00pm Monday afternoon.
Where: The Underground Mall.
Summary: Joe felt bad for being harsh on Nill, and asked her on a date to make up for it.
Warnings: None?
[Monday... It was definitely Monday. First floor of the food court - she was pretty sure this had to be it. There wasn't a way to get floors mixed up, was there? No, she was sure there wasn't. And it was definitely just a few minutes before three, which was when she was supposed to meet him. So she had it all right, didn't she? Nill certainly hoped so.
Despite being nearly certain she had everything right, it didn't stop her from rechecking the conversation with her NV every so often, even though she was a bit early. It had been a pretty long while since Nill had really done anything with someone that wasn't directly involved with her family, and though excited she was nervous as well. And to say it was a date...
Nill used her fingers to smooth out the skirt to her dress, wings folded in to rest against her back as she looked around. She was doing well to keep her thoughts separate from those of others despite the people around, at least. That much was a blessing.]