So you're left with sanity to lose, 'cause the machine is a ruse.

Apr 13, 2011 17:27

Who: argentcruelty, ysobritish and fragmentsoflucy
When: Backdated to the evening of the 12th, before sirens.
Where: Kadaj and Liquid's sparring grounds in an abandoned part of Sector 8.
Summary: Crazies meet to appraise each other's usefulness and plot to liberate Yaha.
Warnings: ...Does it really need to be said?

Another invention to rule them. )

shinji nishizono / kazuhiko amamiya, liquid snake, kadaj

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Comments 8

ysobritish April 13 2011, 16:38:54 UTC
[Liquid is bored.

So very bored. That's why he entertains himself with his usual methods, casually pacing, flipping, and occasionally somersaulting onto various things. Shinji better not take too long.

There's another meaning to his exploration, his paranoid eyes scouting for any sign of movement. If a mouse so much as rolls over, he'll know about it. Nobody can know about this. Nobody.]

I doubt it'll be much longer.


lucycoded April 13 2011, 16:50:30 UTC
[Shinji is just as restless at the other two, and for many of the same reasons. Impatience mostly, with the driving need to slaughter being held back in more than one way. The pills are the most obvious of these restraints and in his fever for freedom, one or twice he nearly forgot why it is that he wants Kazuhiko to remain on the forefront in the public eye. He'd done rouses before, and somehow he remembered them being easier to maintain than this, somehow without this twitching anticipation. Beyond that, the situation of losing Yaha, someone that he too has claimed as useful, and therefore his, seems to make the rushing thoughts move all the more quickly ( ... )


argentcruelty April 13 2011, 20:56:31 UTC
[He doesn't respond to Liquid- it's not the first reassurance he's heard from the man since they'd started waiting. Reassurances were just that, just words, never good enough. A careless kick sends a small chunk of concrete-likely from damage caused by their sparring sessions-skittering over the ground, and Kadaj follows it with his eyes...

Ah, there we are. A brief glance over his shoulder at Liquid to make sure this man was the one they were waiting for, and then Kadaj's attention is fixed entirely on Shinji. He didn't look like anything special. Confident though, he'd give him that much. Kadaj tilts his head to one side in that childish manner of his, idly wondering how long that confidence would last when he was being chased down by a pack of Shadow Creepers.

Oh, but he'll play nice. For now.]


ysobritish April 13 2011, 21:02:34 UTC
About damn time!

[Liquid somersaults to land in a crouch beside Kadaj. He's concerned, if truth be told. Shinji is unpredictable and this is going to be a dangerous meeting. Still, Kadaj is difficult to injure and Shinji doesn't have any particular powers on that front as far as he knows.]

Kadaj, this is Shinji. Shinji, Kadaj.


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