Who: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Black Mask, Kenzo Tenma, Amy Sorel, Re-l Mayer, Yaha, AND ANYONE ELSE I FORGOT
When: March 28th
Where: Fireworks and the basement of The Dungeon
Summary: Sherlock uses information left behind by Claire Leonelli to piece together who's been behind the collar killings and Claire's own murder. He is not shocked at all, and all those involved in the investigation go to stop him and save Tenma in the process. Naturally, things don't go quite as planned.
Warnings: Violence and language, so we'll just say PG-13 for now?
All of the little pieces were falling into place. Sherlock could see them all assembling before his eyes, connecting seamlessly and painting the picture of what exactly had been happening to these murdered slaves-- the where and the why, the what and the how. There was still a blur, however, over the big picture, one that he hoped to clear up with access to Leonelli's office.
It was time to chase away the anomalies: Leonelli's murder, the curious absence of Dr. Tenma since the incident, and why there were still slaves disappearing but no more bodies appearing. Of course, Sherlock had his suspicions, but they were nothing without the data to give them life. He didn't plan on requesting the help of the authorities until he could do so.
All the while, an unknown timer ticks away what precious minutes remain to prevent more gleeful violence.
((OOC: OKAY, I'm going to post Sherlock and John's investigation as one sub thread, and Ryan will start the rescue sub thread. We can make an aftermath one after we've gotten a good chunk of that out of the way, y/n? Also tag yourselves in <3))