rapturescreed, and his aid-de-camp
hisdiscretion, and
soul-scatter for the business portion, and
paysdelamour proving lunch.
When: Saturday, 1230 hrs
Where: HoA2 - meeting room on the ground floor
Summary: Creed and Michael both saw the opening of an elected position in the news feed, Michael thinks it's time Creed and Kuchiki meet, and no one wanted to pass up on Francis' cooking - ego, Business meeting and lunch on the side!
Warnings: Dry humour? Political planning? World Domination? Food? IDK, will update if needed!
For all Erik was comfortable in his dress clothes - comfortable enough to be willing to toss off the jacket and assist Francis in the kitchen under normal circumstances, which these weren't, he couldn't have been more polished. He waited for everyone to arrive, expecting Franz would be arriving with Creed.