
Mar 09, 2011 22:42

Who: Shuji Ikutsuki (rodeforthefall) and Shiroe Rei Seki (zealouspeter).
When: Today, March 9th, Afternoon.
Where: Hillsdale University.
Summary: Funds are thin and SERO's welcoming. What a perfect combination.
Warnings: Shouldn't be!

shiroe rei seki, shuji ikutsuki

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rodeforthefall March 10 2011, 14:36:02 UTC
SERO's employment standards, as a general rule, did not leave much room for inefficiency; this rule was broad enough to apply even to the university staff, and thus the secretary had been more than capable of preforming her role of informing Ikutsuki that he had a student coming in for a meeting ( ... )


this is horribly late, and if you'd like to handwave at this point, I'd... understand. ._. I'm sorry zealouspeter March 26 2011, 03:04:04 UTC
The pleasantness wasn’t anywhere near a surprise, but Shiroe made sure to move without much hesitance after it, a small smile spreading across his face - he kept his mind carefully to himself, just in case. This wasn’t exactly the moment that he wanted any chance of messing up in.

“Ah, hello. My name’s Shiroe. Shiroe Rei Seki. They said that you might have been able to give me some, uh…” Head tilted, a pause, hovering somewhat-but-not-completely-awkwardly over the chair in front of the desk, hands raising then lowering, “… Scholarships?”

Financial help was the official term, as far as he saw it. But no need to be dreary: the man probably saw a good number of indignant or demanding students, and a change in the positive from the norm was bound to work in his favor. Hopefully, in any case; this whole meeting was a gamble, from it being SERO to it just being plainly about money (as much as they might have twisted around to say that it wasn’t), but he wasn’t even entirely sure if there was supposed to be some certain way to go about it ( ... )


It is okay, if you do not mind some slowness on my end as well! /lolwhut is hiatus rodeforthefall March 27 2011, 04:12:15 UTC
Ah, so that was what the boy wanted to talk about -- it appeared that he was suffering from some sort of financial strain, or perhaps he simply wanted to grasp any advantageous opportunity. With the way that SERO's currently available scholarships worked, Ikutsuki could acknowledge that there was no need to make any sort of distinction ( ... )


Slowness should be the name of the game. D8;; zealouspeter March 27 2011, 19:32:42 UTC
"Do people actually read them?" That might have been a brash, maybe stupid question, but Shiroe didn't think that much on it- he was curious, and that was all. It wasn't as if his world had anything scholarships; people were sorted by their intelligence alone. If they did have scholarships, he mused, machines would look at them.

So maybe SERO was the same way.

"If they do, there must be a whole committee for it." He was taking a seat, sounding like a child in voice, perching on the edge of the chair but not looking nervous or anxious. His eyes were focused right on Itsuki, giving the shelves of files only a bit of attention. "With how many go through, the week's more than impressive."


What, you mean it isn't already? :3 rodeforthefall March 28 2011, 13:34:39 UTC
The question, despite its open honesty, did not offend Ikutsuki. In fact, he chuckled in response to it, clasping his hands together on the desk in front of him. “Ah, Shiroe, was it? It would be quite the pointless procedure to go through all the forms and not refer to it at all in the end! It’s very straight forward, though, no way to deviate from the trail - of paperwork, that is!” With a small, self-satisfied smile on his face, as though he had just made an incredibly intelligent joke, he turned back to face Shiroe again, this time with some of the brochures in his hand ( ... )


It's a good name, I think. A very fine name. And forever will be, yes. :3;; zealouspeter April 5 2011, 04:01:28 UTC
Even if the joke hadn't of been the funniest sort, Shiroe gave a smile-- not a laugh, because that would have been pushing it, but a smile was safe and easy to pull off. He was all open ears, too: there was nothing faked about his attention. Even if some teenagers may have taken it as a bunch of boring paperwork talk, he wanted to know - which made that one pamphlet that got shuffled away all the more interesting.

Still, if he asked about it, he had a strong feeling that he'd be either lied to or told that it was nothing. So the piece of paper only got a curious glance as it fell, before he redirected his attention rather neatly.

The one that was offered, well-- he took it and immediately flipped it over, scanned the back before opening it up. Reading and speaking at the same time wasn't a feat: it might've been considered rude, but, "This one's one of the better, you think...?" A 'hmm,' a considering noise; and he knew that the other was a newcomer from the those video-voice posts, but there was no reason for the counselour to ( ... )


rodeforthefall April 8 2011, 14:39:19 UTC
The question about his educational qualifications caused a small smile to play on Ikutsuki's lips; he wasn't especially concerned about hiding his face from the newcomer network, but on the other hand, he hadn't been particularly active on it of late. At least, not in a capacity that could be seen by others; he was still learning, still observing.

"Ah, I'm afraid I didn't, so I don't know as much about the university from the students' perspective as I would like to. Of course, I do hear quite a bit of it, considering my current position, but -- there's always time and space to learn more."

Seeing that Shiroe was still considering the scholarship upon the offered pamphlet, he continued, his tone pleasant but slightly curious. "How have you been enjoying your education at Hillsdale thus far?"


zealouspeter April 13 2011, 04:30:46 UTC
"Where did you go?" His head was tilting to the other side, eyes still wide with open curiosity. The added comments weren't given much thought - he saw them as nothing more than filler, whether or not they really were.

To counter curiosity with curiosity left Shiroe smiling wider, perching more on the edge of his chair (little cues, finely tuned things, it was only a good thing that there were no disruptions yet). "It's interesting. The labs, the professors... They're all top-notch. There's never really anything more than facts to be found, too."

Facts that were grievously twisted toward SERO, but facts nonetheless.


rodeforthefall April 22 2011, 02:21:39 UTC
The boy was astute, Ikutsuki would grant him that; while it was evident what knowledge Shiroe was attempting to gather, Ikutsuki saw no reason not to divulge it. After all, he’d already shown his face to the newcomer’s network and if the boy didn’t know now it would be, truly, only a matter of time. "I studied in Japan," he answered. "Are you familiar with the country?"

He found himself nodding as Shiroe commented on his Hillsdale experiences thus far. It was on natural, under such circumstances, for him to desire to continue his education at the university.


zealouspeter April 25 2011, 05:17:07 UTC
"A bit. It wasn't in my world." Just so that the cards were on the metaphorical table, and it was rather funny, very funny, if Shiroe let himself think on it-- here they were, two newcomers, working right alongside SERO. The same company that had driven to exterminate them in the beginning. The same that posed the most threat.

And, obviously, the most benefits if one cooperated well. In any case, he went on to ask, "What year did you study in Japan?"


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