steel_goddess and
youendthewarWhen: Backdated a bit to the 2/18 attack on the Core, after Sirens, during the blackout.
Where: Startin' out at the Baseball Field
Summary: ...Spending Friday night with a friend? :|a Snake and Samus after the mess at the core falls apart.
Warnings: A bit of monster-related violence, maybe blood, ...likely some language.
The path you walk on has no end. )
"You got any booze? I'm betting you could use a shot of something with a little kick to it."
A quick search revealed the glasses, as well as both bottles, so she sauntered into the living room with all four. "I can't read the label, but I'm betting you don't keep your Kool-Aid in a bottle like this. Ah, whiskey." She nodded, once the light showed what she was holding.
"...There's a few empty rooms, if you'd rather get some shut-eye." Several of them, in fact. Snake mostly had the house to himself, these days. "Morning won't be for another few hours."
"I might take you up on that. It depends on if anybody's going to wander into my room at night." Those big blue eyes are looking at you from over the rim of her glass Snake, you could almost say she's watching for something.
"Shouldn't be a problem. Power's out, but the Darkness proofing ought to hold, if you're worried." Dense? Just a little bit. Snake's not in any shape to be walking anywhere, anyway. He'd meant it when he said he wasn't going to be getting up for a while. But he wasn't completely oblivious. Just a little slow on the uptake.
He finally caught her gaze and reconsidered his answer a little, tipping his head toward the couch after a moment of inscrutable silence.
"...there's room here if you don't mind the company. They say two sets of eyes are better than one."
Samus was used to sleeping alone, not just when it came to bed itself, but in her surroundings. There wasn't any need for anyone else on her Gunship, and she hadn't really been close to anyone since her days at the academy...but Snake, Snake she trusted.
Maybe...maybe it was all right to let her guard down, just for a little while.
"You got any blankets we can use? I get cold very easily."
Padding across the hall she found the aforementioned blankets and a pair of pillows...no sense in being uncomfortable. As she tread back into the living room, she paused to blow out the candle...for his benefit or hers, she wasn't sure.
Seating herself on the edge of the couch, Samus turned her head to ask in a voice that was trying it's hardest not to sound nervous; "Inside or outside?"
She lost him, though.
A long moment of bemused silence, then a short, dry laugh. He answered by reaching over and tugging her wrist toward him enough to pull her properly onto the couch from where she's hovering on the edge. With his feet propped rudely up on the table, he wasn't taking up too much room. Plenty of couch left for her either way.
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine here."
Only a few hours before daylight, and he could sleep in a foxhole or a locker or under a cardboard box if he needed to. In another few years, his back would probably give him hell for it. But for now, this was more than good enough. Good enough that he'd be able to be up and on his feet if something broke in unexpectedly. Good enough to keep the gunshot elevated and out of the way, too.
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