Feb 05, 2011 01:27

Who: Robert Cross, Bayonetta and Alex Mercer eventually???
When: NIGHTTIME monstertime.
Where: outside, wherever there are monsters creepan.
Summary: Cross' curiosity piqued, he goes out to investigate some of these "monsters."
Warnings: VIOLENCE BLOOD GORE Cross killing shit etc.


bayonetta, †: alex mercer, robert cross

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hittheclimax February 5 2011, 10:41:37 UTC
The witch had always believed that there was tranquility at night-time; the cooling breeze, and streets illuminated by the faint glow of the moon as the sun settled over the horizon. It was all so terribly romantic, wasn’t it? A shame she had to spend the night alone. But no matter, she had her own business upon acquiring a slip of paper that told her to get out of the apartment. And with little interest in mind in getting friendly with a real-estate, she had plans to simply claim a building of her own.

Lips coiled around a lollipop as her strong steps and swayed hips weaved their way through the streets.

She wasn’t all that fazed by the monsters -- on the contrary, it was rather delightful to be in their company. Still, what did catch her eye was a man decked out in army gear with a mask covering his face. Now, it would have been a lie if Bayonetta didn’t admit to taking a liking to those that tried to prove themselves in the darkness.

Without becoming too conspicuous of her actions, Bayonetta followed him.

Down a few blocks and around a corner was where she caught up to him. Though she didn’t interfere in his little joy-ride of killing monsters, instead she only leaned against a wall with her arms against her chest, ankle crossing a ankle.


virogenic February 5 2011, 15:27:37 UTC
Cross was perceptive on most days. He probably would have taken notice to someone following him; it was beaten into his head to be suspicious and overcautious. But tonight, he was too distracted, still recovering from the bizarreness of the situation.

No, he didn't really notice, especially not after finding monsters to break into pieces. Punches and kicks landed, bones cracking and snapping under each blow. Some were more feisty, attempting to spit some sort of burning tar at him. To which, Cross merely flicked his wrist, stun baton out and at the ready, burning their flesh the second one got too friendly.

He wasn't without his battle scars; gashes and burns peppered his body before long, but he never appeared... distressed. No, he didn't look as a man who was losing a fight. He was playing to win, even if the suckers got a few good hits in on him. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle, or hadn't handled before in worse conditions. This was nothing.

After the dust settled and it appeared as though there was a lull in the horde, Cross straightened up and brushed himself off. Didn't even break a sweat.


hittheclimax February 5 2011, 23:09:20 UTC
Well, one certainly could not deny that he did put on quite a show. The witch only watched as limbs were torn off and the appendages went flying into an ugly pile of smothering gore. Innards and whatnot painting the ground with a rising reeking stench of rotten flesh.

Though, his demeanor was getting more and more curious to her, and she only let out a small hum as burnt flesh started to peel from the other, and she only let out a soft sigh. It was nice to watch, and no doubt Cross was a man that could take care of himself, so when Bayonetta moved forward with the heels of her shoes emitting soft audible sounds, she only smirked.

"I do find myself rather fond of a man in uniform." A tilt of her head, lips coiled around the red lollipop as a stray tentacle of some being limply flopped around pathetically -- like a detached tail from one of those annoyingly adorable and unattractive lizards. Then, she glanced at the man himself. A tilt of her glasses with eyes that squinted in the slightest.

Perhaps she was simply delusional, but this man -- "Now if you would so care to indulge my curiosity. Have we met?"


virogenic February 6 2011, 01:03:07 UTC
Cross took a moment to take a deep breath, letting his body's natural healing process close up the wounds. Shallower ones were smoothed over instantaneously, but the larger gashes took a few moments before the bleeding stopped. But, all the while, he didn't appear out of breath or ready to go running back home. No, he was a man who had seen his share.

...But that didn't mean he was skilled in other areas. When a woman's voice and the clack of heeled shoes cut through the silence, Cross' stoic expression faltered as he turned to face the source. He .. hadn't been anticipating an audience. He stared at the woman for a good measure of time; it became obvious quickly that he was surprised. Mostly because it wasn't another man or soldier, but a woman.

He straightened his posture, attempting to at least look respectable... despite the blood that now stained his clothing. "...I don't believe so, miss. But, this really doesn't appear to be a proper place for introductions like this." Obviously. Monsters were out and about and this rather done-up woman was just out for a stroll? Cross wasn't sure what to think. But he wasn't going to let her wander off without an escort, either. "Are you headed somewhere? I could escort you there."


hittheclimax February 6 2011, 01:47:33 UTC
Certainly not just a stroll. Honestly, she had better taste than the wander aimlessly in hopes for entertainment that suddenly sprung up from the ground and pique her curiosity -- but tonight, she was just lucky to come stumble across a man (In a army get-up no doubt.) who had good taste in what to do for nightly activities --

-- Now if there was only something else they could do instead...

Cross didn’t need to say it; he didn’t need to say that Bayonetta seemed to be a helpless woman in amongst creatures of the darkness. And so, she only let out a soft amused sound, pushing her glasses up and making her way to stand barely a foot away from him; hips swaying, and she was almost close enough for the both of them to share body heat. Her features sharpened in what could have been mildly threatening, but it seemed playfulness override it.

"How peculiar. You seem competent to rid these monsters, but you’re a gentleman as well -- ?" Speaking with no lack of faux-surprise, Bayonetta only circled Cross -- that was when she remembered just who he was. Alex’s little boyfriend. What a shame, and she thought they could have a little two-person tea party together. Instead she stopped in her tracks, "Honestly, a man like you walking little poor helpless me home?" A thoughtful pause, "..Well that is if I did have a home right now."


virogenic February 6 2011, 02:07:56 UTC
Cross had no intent of raising offense with this woman. He wasn't usually surrounded by females in his job, so naturally his first instinct was to protect. He watched as she drew closer with a curious expression, though most of it was hidden beneath the mask he wore. Such close contact was another thing he wasn't familiar with, but his posture didn't change. A militaristic stance throughout, even as she circled him like a cat.

"It's my duty to protect, that's all." He replied calmly, as if it would explain away his behavior. Really, there was nothing else to it. He didn't quite appreciate her sarcasm, but his desire to keep others from harm clouded over any annoyance he might have expressed otherwise.

The remark about not having a home, however, piqued his interest. "You're homeless?" Now that just wouldn't do. "Do you have anywhere to stay for the night?" Cross certainly wouldn't have minded putting someone up for the night in his newly acquired apartment. Sleeping on the floor wasn't the worst place he had ever spent a night, after all.


hittheclimax February 6 2011, 02:23:43 UTC
Bayonetta couldn’t deny that she was getting some sort of twisted amusement out of ruffling Cross’s feathers. Too bad she was the only one that seemed to enjoy it. Putting distance in their proximity, Bayonetta leaned back against a nearby wall, showing no indication that she seemed uncomfortable alone, out in the darkness, where monsters could rip her to shreds. She was confident in her abilities, but there was nothing wrong with having a little company.

"What a noble quality, Captain Cross." She tilted her head twice, lips curved into a smirk as she raised her arms and folded them behind her head, "Now, let me think." She paused and let the candy roll around in her mouth. It seemed as though the monsters were making their way back, but she showed no concerned.

"Homeless -- ? Rather a crude word, don't you believe? I was meant to find a little place for myself and someone that is our mutual friend -- I do believe you know who I am talking about, of course." Swivelling her hips in a provocative nature, Bayonetta reached up and removed her guns from the bottomless pit that seemed to be that hair before she continued, "But let us continue our little chat in a bit, darling. These little buggers just don’t seem to know when to give up!"


virogenic February 6 2011, 02:36:02 UTC
Now, Cross probably could have picked this woman's voice out a bit better if he had been paying attention to it more. As it was, it hadn't clicked immediately. Not until she said his name and rank. Cross' brows furrowed. Who the hell was this woman? Following after her with a stalking gait of his own, but despite the nature of it, he wasn't seeking to intimidate. If he even could at this point. "Who..--?"

He couldn't even finish that thought. She was mentioning mutual friends and then things started falling into place. She must have been that woman that had antagonized him--and Alex, for that matter--on that first transmission. Torn between irritation and indignation, he shook his head. Great. Just what he needed.

But, that didn't matter shortly. Cross eyed her and her before turning around again. Snorting derisively, he nodded. "Sounds good to me, miss." Without further prompting, Cross lifted his arm up, which happened to be sporting a massive grenade launcher, and fired several rounds into the approaching crowd of monsters.


whipfist February 6 2011, 03:49:28 UTC
A stalker was on his way to where they stood. Alex wasn't going to let Cross out of his sight for more than a day, he decided. Yes, he was sure the man could handle the Darkness and all that came with it, but he was still a newcomer to the city. He had no idea what the hell this place was capable of. Not to mention the rather unsavory replies he'd gotten to his network post. Yeah, Alex had tracked it down and taken note of every single conversation on that post. He didn't like people talking about him behind his back and now that someone from his own world was here, he was even more paranoid and agitated about the whole thing.

Cross would probably know he was being watched, or would find out pretty quick but Alex tried to remain as incognito as he could when he neared, atop a vantage point on the roof as per usual. Subtlety and Alex Mercer never went well together. Still, he was silent as he observed for the time being, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of Bayonetta. How had she even found Cross out here... ? Reminded Alex of a magnet, drawn to him and whoever was close to him.


hittheclimax February 6 2011, 04:06:15 UTC
There could have been a terrible joke about this: three stalkers walk into a bar and so on and so forth. But Bayonetta knew that this was not the time and the place for any loitering around. Her back against Cross’ fingers on the triggers of her two guns, and took position. Well, until Cross fired his grenade launcher that had her duck her head before muttering, "Bloody hell! -- Honestly! You Americans are all the same!"

Not that she minded much and not that it was for insult, at least not with that tone. Since they worked their magic of guts exploding and appendages being blown from their sockets, Bayonetta only allowed herself to take out the smaller ones, such as those that dropped from roofs and fell onto her. But even there was a little grace in how she blew their brains out.

Flipping back to her feet, she effortlessly grabbed onto Cross’ back, feet on his spine. It was probably a little cruel in how she used him as momentum to haul herself in the air and pivot around, guns blazing until she collapsed on her knees, straddling one of said monsters, a lick of her lips, and what remained of them was a pile of gore underneath her.


virogenic February 6 2011, 04:49:36 UTC
Indeed, Cross took notice to Alex's presence instantly, yet he was too overwhelmed to address it at the moment. It wouldn't matter, anyway; he doubted that Alex would be content with just watching as they fought these monsters.

His companion for the moment was certainly surprising him, however. He underestimated her skill. A bad habit, for certain. He actually laughed at her outburst, however, reloading his gun as quickly as he could. "Hey, if you've got the firepower, there isn't any sense in not using it!" Truly Cross was an American with that logic.

Her acrobatic movements, however, caught him off guard. Feeling her feet against his back jarred him, but it was like hitting a rock; he barely moved as she pushed away again. "--Hey!" Little time for complaints, when one of the monsters was nearly in his face the next passing moment.

Cross grinned as it tried to swipe at his face, easily grasping the limb and snapping it before kicking the body backwards. His baton was out again in a flash, quite literally, burning and electrocuting the beast as it scrambled for him again.


whipfist February 6 2011, 05:08:40 UTC
Cross' predictions were right. Alex hopped down to ground level after staring at the pair for a few moments, making his feeble attempts at being stealthy pretty pointless. Looked like neither of them were paying him any attention regardless. Alex headed over, not bothering to shift just yet - firstly, he wanted to make something clear.

Glaring at Bayonetta, he made a beeline for her first. Ignoring the heaps of innards, he stepped on them as if the were part of the cement as he neared.

"What the hell are you doing here?" A demand, he still didn't know her too well and their only other interaction had included two brutal little scuffles and less-than-friendly chats over the network. Whatever she was doing wandering into Cross after antagonizing him on the network, it couldn't be something harmless. Alex wasn't protective of the man, really, he was more concerned with how whatever she was planning would affect himself in some way. And maybe she was only attempting to lure him out in the first place.


hittheclimax February 6 2011, 05:18:48 UTC
What both of them would have called antagonizing was nothing but a little bit of harmless fun, at least to Bayonetta. So when Alex slid down over a now-corpse and stopped at her feet, she turned, her guns ready to blow through Alex’s skull until the moment recognition had hit her, "Another peeping tom? And here I thought this city was at least marginally safe from perverts."

Statements aside, it didn’t faze her that he was annoyed -- absolutely infuriated at her and being with him. So, she placed her hands on her hips and let out a sigh, "Honestly dear, are you that determined to tell me what I can or can’t do?"

Making her movements up to Alex, her expression was easily noticeable when it graced that of being absolutely irritated, more-so by Alex’s demands than anything else. But soon enough she did a flimsy exhale and shrugged -- hands gestured into faux-confusion, "But I have no clue what you are on about! If you even think for one measly second that I do this to torment you then you’re delusional! But since you asked -- " Once again finding herself leaning against a wall, arms folded against her chest, " -- I found our lovely little Captain Cross. Now don’t be mistaken, I am not humanitarian, but what little harm is there in having company for a bit of nightly joyride?"


virogenic February 6 2011, 07:13:42 UTC
Cross finished off what was left, completely satisfied with this round. He sensed Alex nearing closer before he heard him, naturally, and opened his mouth to say something, but it seemed as though Alex had business with this woman. His own remarks would have to wait.

Sliding the baton back to its proper place, he turned to look at the both of them. Raising a brow, Cross tried to make sense of their squabble. Apparently Alex didn't enjoy her speaking with him... which only meant that Alex didn't trust her. Or perhaps she was a threat. Or, more believably and simply, her attitude just didn't sit well with him. That wouldn't have surprised Cross.

But, Cross himself felt largely out of the loop. And after all that happened with BLACKWATCH, he decided that being out of the loop was one of the most irritating things he could endure. "Anyone going to fill me in here?" He interjected, reaching up to remove the mask he wore, revealing an expression as unamused as his tone.


whipfist February 6 2011, 07:22:00 UTC
She was so flippant about everything. The more ethic-oriented side of Alex was enraged at this, yet another side was intrigued by the nihilistic way she did things. At this point though, he was more pissed off than wanting to socialize, and he sure as hell didn't want her hanging around with ulterior motives. Assuming she had any. Cross, being a Blackwatch member, knew things about Alex. A lot of things. And though he'd like to think Cross wouldn't tell anyone here any of that, Alex didn't know the extent of this woman's abilities. It wasn't vanity, like he was so terribly important - no, Alex just didn't want to be fucked around any more than he had already been in this city.

Bayonetta threatened that. And everything she said? He couldn't tell if she was lying or not, half the time. Alex had a serious problem with being toyed with.

But he wasn't about to start whining to Cross about how they'd fought, all of that. Keeping his glare on Bayonetta he replied with a simple, "No. I don't trust her."


hittheclimax February 6 2011, 07:43:08 UTC
Gloved fingers massaged at the bridge of her nose. Why oh why did she have to have sudden contact with two full-grown males: one that was acting like a child, and the other -- well who knew what she thought of him. First impressions were always important, so it was safe for her to think that he was a bumbling idiot or a G.I. Joe fanboy’s wetdream. Either way, she only let out a low irritated groan at the sudden tension that was between herself and Alex, and she only craned her neck and rolled her eyes.

"Really now? And here I thought there was no need for mindless trivial trust." Her own outburst even sounded slick, " -- You boys really know how to make a girl feel like a fucking megalomaniac don’t you?" And here she was, if they had only known that she saved the world at least once even if that was rather irrelevant.

"Ugh. Honestly my little kitten. Do you think I really have time to be concern of that." Another sigh, and she put her fingers to her temple, "I should give you a hard spanking."


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