Let's blow up the neighbourhood!

Feb 04, 2011 22:53

Who: Urahara-sensei and Hollow-kun
so_heretohelp hollowest
When: Friday, late afternoon
Where: Some nicely vacant area between the slums and the docks
Summary: Kidou lessons for Shiro. (So at least one part of the team won't be completely kidou-deficient XD)
Warnings: Shiro-swear zone. Stuff blowing up, maybe.

With a wide yawn Urahara tucked his hands deeper into his black coat and glanced at the sky. It looked like the light rain would taper off for a bit, which sure would make standing outside easier. Not that the elements bothered him too much - he still had his geta on, after all. But the weather on this island was quite miserable and persistently cold.

He was brought out of his contemplation on the weather by the twinge that told him Shiro-kun was drawing near. Stretching his arms out above his head and yawning again, he turned to face where the Hollow was coming from so that he could give his student a cheerful wave.

urahara kisuke, shirosaki hichigo

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