(no subject)

Feb 04, 2011 19:12

Who: Harry and Death
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Kahve
Summary: Harry has coffee at Kahve quite a bit.  Death takes notice and chats him up.
Warnings: None, I hope.

Harry had never cared much for any type of fancy coffee. Black, occasionally with milk or sugar, but not usually. So it was a little odd that Kahve had become such a mainstay in his routine, but it was a good place to relax and think and they did have great coffee if you wanted it black.

He had to have someone pay for his coffee so that he didn't get too close to the register and fry it with his magic and all the laptop and other electronic devices were a minefield, but if he got the farthest table outside he was alright. Of course, it was cold outside, but he was from Chicago, he could deal.

Besides, this was the type of thing normal people did, and Harry sometimes worried that he would lose touch with humanity if he didn't at least try to emulate them. He had seen it happen to some wizards, when they isolated themselves for so long they lost touch with humanity and their compassion. That wasn't something he could afford to do.

harry dresden, death

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