Who: Minako and the SEES household
When: Backdated to January 23rd
Where: The SEES house, Sector 4
Summary: A bunch of new people move in and it's time for everyone to have a meet and greet.
Warnings: Language, most likely.
Action tagging is a go! Jump in, talk, mingle, and have fun! Don't forget to tag yourselves in!
[Minako had never thought of herself as anything less than extremely lucky. Even living with three other boys and one girl, she never seemed to think less of their situation. Now with almost having a full house, it felt more...comforting. Homey. It seemed more like a house and less like a sanctuary for people to hide away in when they weren't working or eating. Maybe with some new faces they'd be able to branch out into the city a little more. She and Shinjiro had been a little too reclusive since the others had disappeared, leaving only the two SEES members who had died.
It was time to really make use of the new year.
The girl smiled when her new roommates came down to the large dining room table and she waved a hand.]
Hey. I know it's sort of cliché, but I think it'd be best if everyone introduced themselves and said a little about who they are, how long they've been here... Stuff like that. If we're going to be a household, we have to at least know each other and work together, right?
[She paused.] I'm Minako Arisato. I...should be eighteen by now, but I was pulled here after my birthday so it's sort of weird. I work at Siren's Flowers as the owner and manager and I go to school at SPU. I'm going to be interning at Skye Medical this semester instead of taking classes.
[She sat back and made a hand motion.] Okay, who's next?