You know I'm gonna find a time to catch your hand and make you stay.

Jan 23, 2011 01:04

Who: Invisiboy (thecrowingtobe ) and Princess (hexyoutotuesday )
When: After this is all over and done with.
Where: The White Star Hotel.
Summary: Jinx is doing a little something for herself and decided to invite Claudio along as her date.
Warnings: will add as needed

There was many ways the evening could have gone. After Jinx saw the add in the paper for the "Secret Dinner," she went wild. The night cost her a couple thousand, but it was well worth it, if just for the sight of Claudio in a tuxedo. He, unexpectedly, cleaned up very nice. When they first saw each other outside of their apartment, they were both tripping over their words, and it lasted most of the limousine ride. Things started to look up when they made their way into the hotel. At first she put her arm over his like two awkward kids walking into prom, but as the evening progressed, she grew much more natural. They talked all through the appetizers, at dinner she kept sneaking him wine and laughing, then she spent most of desert with her hand on his shoulder, or on his leg, or fiddling with her hair, fixing his tie when it was perfectly straight already. She had to reapply her lipstick twice that evening from all the times she had bitten her bottom lip.

Things were going much better than expected. Of course she had not expected much, but nothing seemed to go wrong. Though that in itself was absolutely unnerving, she took it as a sign that maybe staying at the hotel for the evening would complete the night. If something was going to go horribly wrong, she would rather it be in a cozy hotel room instead of outside. Anyway, she was not looking forward to walking home in her stilettos, and her dress was not meant for anything below room temperature. So after they were done with dinner, she walked and talked with Claudio back to the lobby of the White Star Hotel.

This was the first time, in a long time, she felt comfortable with what she was doing, and with herself. Every other time she had gone out in the past several months, she put on something that covered her scars well enough and waited for men to buy her drinks. She had come home every evening alone, and without a smile on her face. Now it felt like she could do nothing but smile.

With a decent amount of wine in her system, Jinx leaned over the receptionist's desk and paid for the suite she reserved. After getting the key, she walked back to Claudio with a small smile across her mouth. Her hand fiddled with her diamond necklace as she told him, "You ready to go upstairs?"

jinx, claudio kilgannon

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