I do some stupid things

Jan 17, 2011 18:00

Who: mademyhell  and hexyoutotuesday 
When: Backdated to Wednesday.
Where: Outside the JTC apartment building, then the apartment.
Summary: Someone's overworked, and someone else is a motherhen even if he's never going to admit it.
Warnings: Language. It's these two. And  I feel like I should always warn for emo even if it's probably not a very angsty log cause...LOOK AT HIM.
But my heart's in the right place. And this I know. )

terrance 'trauma' ward, jinx

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hexyoutotuesday January 18 2011, 05:38:08 UTC
All Jinx had been doing since she got back to Siren's Port was working. Working to catch up with friends, working to sort out personal things, and working for Sander Cohen. The last one, by far, was the hardest. Three months away from the theater did not make her lose her talent. Not by a long shot. But it made her forget the most recent steps she had learned, meaning she was far behind even the dumbest dancers of the Felton stage. This led to her spending at least 16 hours a day at the theater. For the past several days.

Needless to say, the young sorceress was absolutely exhausted.

When she was finally allowed to leave the theater for the evening, she was on autopilot the entire way home. Anyone in her situation would be, really. Her feet were blistered and bleeding, bandaged in her boots. Her stomach was in need of a large helping of take-out chow mein. She was probably going to do nothing but sleep when she finally got home. Hell, she was half asleep right then. Her eyes could barely stay open as she fumbled her way home, hands stuffed in her jacket pockets and hair tucked up into her hood.

When someone walked down the street looking like a college student in the middle of midterms who might snap and kill the next thing that wouldn't give her coffee, people tended to steer clear of her path. However, something was not that smart. Before she could even realize auras, scents, or even look at what she just ran into, words spilled out of her mouth like vomit out of a drunken sailor.

"No, you watch where you're going!" He grabbed her shoulders, and she attempted to shove him away. A very lazy, useless shove. It was then that she finally looked up and blinked a few times with her reddened raccoon eyes. "...hey, I know you."


mademyhell January 18 2011, 06:42:10 UTC
"Yeah...Yeah, you do." Trauma watched her warily, like he was expecting her to fall over on the spot and brain herself on the brick wall. Which, really, he kind of was.

She'd been basically dead to the world the second she hit the front door for days, and he was pretty sure the only way she'd actually made it off the couch (or the table, or the floor in one memorable instance) and to her room was because he and Claudio seemed to be taking turns either shoving her in that direction or picking her up and dropping her on her bed.

It was getting a little pathetic.

The other night he'd tried to tell her this was getting ridiculous when she walked in and practically dropped onto the couch like a brick and made him her personal pillow. She'd said some weird garbled mess of things he'd barely been able to pick apart about showbiz and show must go on and something about queen and plaster before she was out.

The sad part was, it was a pretty normal conversation to get from her nowadays, and it was a damn good thing he'd learned how to speak 'barely awake super villain' early in living with her or this would have been a lot harder.

"Jinx? ...Are you okay?" He repeated, assuming she hadn't been enough in any kind of mind, let alone a right one, to understand what he'd been saying earlier.


hexyoutotuesday January 18 2011, 07:08:41 UTC
"Hi," Jinx said simply, half a grin on her face. While Trauma and Claudio had watched her wander around half dead for the past several days, sleep deprivation had put Jinx in her own little world. She thought she was a pretty amazing girl, because every morning she woke up in her own bed. Of course she had little idea how she got there, but at least she made it. Most people would pass out on the floor the moment they walked through the front door, but not Jinx.

...either that or the boys had been carrying her there every night. She liked to think she had enough will power to drag herself into her bedroom before falling asleep on the kitchen table again. There was a faint memory or two of singing Queen while in Trauma's arms, but that could very well be a recurring dream she just had not come to terms with yet.

"What?" Jinx blinked a few times, trying to figure out what he said. "Oh! Yeah... sure. Whatever. I'm just home to the Chinese." And then she took her left hand, still bandaged, out of her pocket and pointed in what she thought was the general direction of home and her favorite Chinese place. Actually, she was pointing toward a large man with a small dog walking down the street. She may have noticed that if she had been looking.

"Have fun with the paper airplanes, Terrace," she told her patio of a roommate before she pulled away from him.


mademyhell January 18 2011, 07:21:53 UTC
"...Jinx, the Chinese place is that way." He said, pointing in the exact opposite direction. Considering the fact that up until this moment he'd been pretty sure she could find that place blindfolded and deaf (...Which she might actually be able to, but sleep deprived was out of the question) this whole situation had him a little worried.

And not just because he was pretty sure she was likely to walk into traffic because she blinked too long.

That would go bad for the traffic.

He glared at her...Then in the direction of work. Well. Fuck. He couldn't exactly leave her like this, he wasn't that much of an asshole even on his worst days.

He sighed like he was the most put upon person in the universe (which, at the moment, he kind of thought he might be) and he began to direct her back towards the apartment.

"Come on, we can talk Chinese politics back at the apartment. If we call and offer them Tibet they might give us food."


hexyoutotuesday January 18 2011, 07:44:31 UTC
Just because Jinx's hand was betraying her did not mean that she was going to get lost on her way to the Chinese place. It was her favorite, it was close to home, and she could smell it from a mile away. Her hand was confused, and she would take no responsibility for its misled actions. Little did she know, if she tried to go there by herself, she would probably pass out in the back of the restaurant in a pile of takeout boxes. Stranger things have happened.

Purely confident that she could make it home on her own, the ex villain was going to let him on his merry way and go on hers. It surprised her when he started walking her home. Surprise meaning she blinked a few times then went along with it. Right now, her reactions were duller than mashed peas.

"Enslave Tibet, get a years supply of stale fortune cookies. I'm in it for the irony."

It was so sad that was the first put-together thought that had come out of Jinx's mouth for four hours. She followed it up by putting both arms tiredly around Trauma and stumbling along beside him. It was awkward and a very ineffective way of motion, but she was determined to make it work. "We need a car."


Wrote this on the subway. HOW BADASS AM I? mademyhell January 26 2011, 07:17:03 UTC
To his credit, Trauma didn't fall over. He probably should have gotten a fucking medal for not tripping up because she decided to latch onto him like a fucking leech from hell.

"Just the irony? Thought you were hungry." Trauma shrugged as best he could with a pink thing attached, she really was heavier than he expected her to be half of the time, like trying to pick up a kid. Always light until they went dead weight on you. "Guess I get your share."

After a moment or two of stumbling along and getting nowhere, fast, Trauma gave up and stopped.

"Okay, 'nough of this. Not doing the zombie act. Not going to go well." He turned his back to her and rolled his eyes, even though she couldn't see he assumed someone on the planet (even if it was just he himself) needed to know that he did this because it was the only option, not because he wanted to be the designated person for carrying teenage super villains. Encouraging this would probably mean she'd just tackle him into doing it again later just to spite him...But he wasn't a total jackass and could tell she was going to fall on her damn face before they got through the front door of their building.

And, come on. She was his friend. Occasionally annoying or not, he actually liked the fucking brat.

"Come on. One time deal."


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