Who: Adachi Tohru (
implausibility) and, in no particular order: Jan, Godot, Malik, Isamu, Nagi, Ikutsuki
When: Hours after sirens, forward-dated to Friday evening.
Where: Outskirts of downtown Siren's Port.
Summary: You don't snip the strings of a puppet without it crashing to the ground.
Warnings: I guess it's a little late to say spoilers for Persona 4...
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And as if moving on from a momentary distraction, he turned and skipped back over to the fallen pile instead, circling around it and occasionally bending over to inspect it, but his hands stayed in his pockets like they were shackled there. He never actually touched any of that, couldn't bring himself to hold his hand out to death. What if he got blood on his hands? That was traceable evidence. Then they'd know it was him. Then they'd drag him in, cuff him, throw him behind bars. That wasn't good.
The monster, whatever it was, was deader than a doornail, from what little of it he could still see underneath all that rock and wrought iron. Magatsu Izanagi was stronger than he had guessed, he thought, almost pleasantly, even if physical strength was about all it could manage right now.
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